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Showing posts from June, 2023

Nos han cambiado la realidad

  Si pienso en la realidad en 2019, veo y no puedo no veer, que a raíz de lo que sucedió después de 2020 en un santiamén todo ha ido a quedarse eliminado. Toda mi vida me atuve a lo que me enseñaron en la escuela, en la familia, en la iglesia catolica, es decir, la doctrina y cultura católica según la transmisión que de ella se hizo en el mi pais de siglo en siglo hasta la muerte de todo eso, que empezò en el 1992. A partir de este año comenzó la constante y continua demolición de la clase política italiana, de la economía italiana, de la cultura italiana y de la iglesia italiana, aunque los pródromos de todo esto ya eran evidentes años antes. Tomamos el 1992 solamente como el punto de inflexión de un cambio dramático y decisivo que se actuó en Italia. Mi aventura personal en todo lo que pasó no cesa de asombrarme: YO no he cambiado, nunca, porque sigo siendo lo que sentí ser desde el principio de mi existencia. El mismo "YO", siempre. Es la realidad que se ha metamorfosead...

Lillà - una poesia di Salomėja Nėris

  Traduciamo un'altra poesia di Salomėja Nėris, con ogni probabilità l'autore lituano che meglio incarna lo spirito della Lituania, con l'alternarsi della  vita scandita dai ritmi vigorosi della natura e il continuo tema della morte che in Salomėja ricorre in modo ossessivo e che giovane la strapperà alla vita, come, per tutta la vita, aveva presentito e atteso. Io ancora non ero E i lillà fiorivano - E non ci sarò più quando di nuovo fioriranno - crudeli. E cadranno le foglie per il sole e il vento come manciate di terra a seppellire - il cuore. Manęs dar nebuvo, – Alyvos žydėjo – – Manęs nebebus jau, – Jos vėlei žydės. – Ir kris jų lapeliai Nuo saulės ir vėjo – Kaip smėlio saujelės – Ant mano širdies – –  Follow me on Substack

"Il Rosario" di Math Cassidy

  Chi desiderasse leggere il testo lo può trovare QUI. Il rosario è l'arma piú potente contro i nemici della fede.  Fare appello al rosario, cercare in esso la forza, da parte di singolo individuo è connettersi  direttamente  al cielo perché il rosario è di origine divina, portato dalla Madonna a San Domenico di  Guzmán . Ora (all’epoca dei fatti del testo di Math Cassidy) come allora (all'epoca di Guzmán) il rosario sarà usato per combattere chi vuole distruggere la fede cristiana i valori cristiani, usando lo stesso strumento che è stato usato nella battaglia di Vienna e di Lepanto contro i turchi (per citare solo due esempi). Il rosario nel testo di Cassidy è il simbolo della battaglia indivuale, per la resistenza dell’uomo, come individuo, che si trova in una situazione di completa solitudine in un momento in cui il mondo impazzisce e segrega l’uomo, la pandemia con tutte le sue assurde restrizioni e limitazioni della libertà individuale. L’imperativo catego...

Piccolo saggio di vita quotidiana - perdere la memoria

In questo testo, che fa parte di "Essere mio padre" che si trova in making già in , Silvia, il personaggio principale, rimane terrorizzata dalla paura di aver perso la memoria del padre morto, all'alba del giorno che deve lasciare Vilnius, dove si era recata per visitare la tomba del padre morto, e prendere un volo per l'Italia. Era la notte prima del volo. E Silvia si svegliò. Ed era la prima volta che a Vilnius si svegliava la notte. Tutte le notti precedenti aveva dormito senza mai interrompere il sonno. Ma non questa notte. Si svegliò con l’assillo che non ricordava suo padre. E i pensieri erano cupi e l’incubo di partire ingrossava il male. Dopo la sua sua morte aveva inseguito solo un’ ombra, uno spirito, che quasi non aveva faccia. Dio mio, disse, non ricordo il tuo volto babbo... Esisti nei miei pensieri, esisti nel mio corpo ma solo esisti, esisti senza un’immagine. Perdere la memoria, capì, è un grande nemico del cuore. Come può am...

Is there any place

  Is there any place where the peace can spare me, where the relief will smile at me and give me the faith where the unsaid has no kingdom has no take? Is there any place where to sit down and breath without this heavy interminable panting, where a secret pain is feeding my days unravelling my prays and sorry food I bite? Follow me on Substack

Why do I forget the past?

How is it possible that I forgot so much? So much of my past that I do not even remember who was I? What happened? In which way did I remove almost my entire life? At least 50 years of my life are all but cancelled. I sense that memory is so strictly bound to the body. When the body changes, and everyday changes, you lose the memory stringently connected to your body. Memory is not a matter independent of the body, memory is intertwined with the body. Memory, Self and body are trinitary. Three in one relation. Their staying connected it's You. And for too long this Trinity had somehow faded into a mist dense and thick. And only now after I started some periods of fasting, I have been able to gain back some of what I was once, for the mist lifted up. All in all, I think I am blessed because it simply does not occur to many to have the will to think about their losing the past and their memory and why. You need components [1] in you which make you able to sense and hear the inner voi...

The Human factor in Machiavelli - Discourses on the First Decade of Titus Livius

In one of my previous posts I talked about the Human Factor as crucial in every historical event [ HERE ] Now I am trying to justify my position by finding in the history of political thought the reason for my point of view. Even Machiavelli acknowledges that the human factor is what works in determining the historical occurrences make my meaning plain, and not to part company with the men of whom I have been speaking, I say, that as, on the one hand, we see Scipio enter Spain, and by his humane and generous conduct at once secure the good-will of the province, and the admiration and reverence of its inhabitants, so on the other hand, we see Hannibal enter Italy, and by methods wholly opposite, to wit, by violence and rapine, by cruelty and treachery of every kind, effect in that country the very same results. For all the States of Italy revolted in his favour, and all the Italian nations ranged themselves on his side. When we seek to know why this was, several reasons present t...

A unique book that I love: The "Vita Nova" by Dante Alighieri

  Io spero di dicer di lei quello che mai non fue detto d'alcuna The "Vita Nova" by Dante Alighieri is definitely an outdated book for the times we live in. Outdated mainly for one reason: it speaks of Amore, Love, (with capital letter). An idealization and interiorization of Love in order to transcend the factual and intrinsic love for a woman (Beatrice) and become the Motor itself of Dante's poetry. A unique book in its structure: the story of Dante’s love for Beatrice until Beatrice’s death (just perceived in a dreamlike vision). The painful history of Dante's dolor for this unhappy love that in the end becomes the Spirit itself of Dante's poetry. Prose sonnets and canzoni are mixed so as to tell us about a world that unfortunately is centuries away from our raw modernity: a world of Beauty and Love . A book that should be read by those who are in the process of a trip to Florence. A book to be read before going to that city, a book that will enable peopl...

About not feeling like an Italian and suffering for Italy - though

If I want to be honest with myself first of all and then with all people that allegedly can be interested in what I say, I never felt too much as being Italian. When I was young I was many times mistaken for French, Russian, German...rarely people thought I was Italian. And when I said I was Italian they were surprised. I have never shared qualities that could be connotated as Italian, just because I didn't feel it or a little. Since I was a lad I had an aversion to food, for loud family reunions, which I tried to avoid with every means, even though now I remember them with nostalgia, above all I miss the familiar faces of many relatives who have disappeared forever from my sight. I never wished to be like my father. My father was a politician:  I was too shy to be speaking in front of a large auditorium. I remember that many times, between my 30s and 40s, I jokingly said that I was the last of the Etruscans, because people were still telling me that I didn't look like an Itali...

Fasting to reconnect your "Self" to your body

If there is a discrepancy between yourself and the body, between what you are and what you don't feel you are in your body, then fast, because there is excess to remove in the body. Through the stratifications of fat, the material that alienates you is deposited in the body. Removing decades of fat you remove the "Self" from its impediments to be reconnected with the body. Start thinking about fasting and wait for the right moment. Your body has its own indicators; it will signal when it is the right time to start fasting. Fasting is not a mere physical fact. It is changing the spirit of a time that has become stranger to us and that lives in us in order to alienate us to ourselves. Impossible to fast, without implying a change of the inner spirit. Those who fasted in the Old Testament did so to invoke great changes in life. Jesus himself fasted for forty nights and forty days and after fasting he was ready and strong enough to resist the devil and was ripe for his minist...

Sul digiuno che riporta il Sé a se stesso

Se vi è una discrepanza fra il tuo Io e il corpo, fra ciò che sei e ciò che non senti di essere nel tuo corpo, allora digiuna, perché nel corpo vi è un eccesso da rimuovere. Attraverso le stratificazioni di grasso si stratifica il materiale che ti estranea. Rimuovere il grasso di decenni rimuove l'Io dai suoi impedimenti a ricollegarsi al corpo. Comincia a pensare al digiuno e aspetta il momento giusto. Il corpo possiede un indicatore personale che ti farà avvertire il momento opportuno per riniziare il digiuno. Digiunare non è un mero fatto fisico. E' cambiare lo spirito di un tempo che si è fatto estraneo e che vive in noi al fine di estraniare noi a noi stessi. Impossibile digiunare, senza implicare un cambiamento dello spirito interiore. Chi ha digiunato nell'Antico Testamento lo ha fatto per invocare grandi cambiamenti nella vita. Gesù stesso digiunò quaranta notti e quaranta giorni e dopo il digiuno fu forte per resistere al diavolo e fu pronto per il suo ministerio....

Piccolo saggio di vita quotidiana - errori di un padre

  Ore dopo la mia decisione, ho sentito l'innegabile motivo per cui la mia vita aveva cominciato a cambiare con sensazioni stranamente allineate. L'unica esitazione che mi ha fatto pensare la mattina in cui mi sono alzato è stata se tutto non fosse scaturito dalle inclinazioni immaginarie della mia mente. Dopo tanti anni mi sono sentito nel mio corpo. Prima ero me stesso nel corpo di qualcun altro. Potrebbe essere vero? Per mesi e mesi dopo mesi, avevo capito che un cambiamento era inevitabile. perché tutto era una sciocchezza. Vivere così era una sciocchezza. Il dolore che soffrivo ogni giorno era una sciocchezza. Non potevo sopportare la mia inettitudine nel non trovare una soluzione alla mia sofferenza. Soprattutto perché sapevo qual era la soluzione. Ho dovuto smettere di mangiare. Forse non aveva niente a che fare con il mio vero problema, ma alla fine ho finito per chiedermi se la mia decisione di smettere di mangiare fosse conforme allo Zeitgeist o contro di esso. Quando...

The Human Factor

What is this life if, full of care, We have no time to stand and stare?— ... A poor life this if, full of care, We have no time to stand and stare . (W. H. DAVIES) Some decades ago Graham Greene wrote The Human Factor, which highlights how even in the most secret plots of the secret services, what determines the results is the human factor. The same thing is to be considered in everything that has happened in the last three years, from the pandemic to the sanctions against Russia, up to the war in Ukraine, whose results are there for all to be seen, as long as one wants to see them. The West, globalism, neoliberalism (or whatever you want to call it) which is the party that is becoming weaker and crumbling down day after day, is the best example of how the human factor is crucial. Globalism, in fact, privileged not the intelligence of its pawns, not their competence, not even their moral sense and their individual sense of responsibility towards the country and people they represent, ...

Il Fattore Umano

  What is this life if, full of care, We have no time to stand and stare?— ... A poor life this if, full of care, We have no time to stand and stare . (W. H. DAVIES) C'è un libro di Graham Greene, The Human Factor , che mette in evidenza come anche nelle trame più segrete dei servizi segreti , quello che determina i risultati è il fattore umano. La stessa cosa si vede dappertutto oggi, in tutto quello che è successo negli ultimi tre anni, dalla pandemia alle sanzioni contro la Russia, alla guerra in Ucraina, i cui risultati sono sotto gli occhi di tutti, a patto che si voglia vederli. L'occidente, il globalismo, il neoliberismo (o comunque lo si voglia chiamare) ovvero la parte che sta si sta giorno dopo giorno indebolendo e sgretolando, del fattore umano ha privilegiato non la capacità dell'individuo, non la sua intelligenza, non la sua competenza, non il senso morale, e non il senso di responsabilità dell'individuo verso il suo paese e la sua gente, ma ha posto ai ver...

A short essay on daily life - mistaken beliefs

  Carlo Goldoni, the eighteenth-century Italian playwright who, it is said, invented the Commedia dell'Arte , in his comedy La Pamela wrote ‘He only half dies who leaves an image of himself in his sons.’ But is it really true this Goldoni's adage? When my daughters were little I think I committed some continued injustices on them, even though those little injustices did not look like injustices when I was perpetrating them. Rather, they looked like little things, superficial things dictated by the exuberance of a father who loved so much their daughters. And they loved me, I believed...But did they really love me or that was just a way of accepting their father in an unswerving and occasionally undiscerning scheme of children who are adapting themselves to the image I had created for them? I think it was this last case. I used to talk to them about me, my life, my dreams, my problems, my sufferings, my joys, my disillusions...again and again, I was repeating the story of my lif...

A short essay on daily life - the importance of fasting

  Hours after my decision, I felt the undeniable reason that my life had begun to change with strangely aligned sensations. The only hesitation that made me wonder the morning when I got up was whether everything did not spring from the fictional leanings of my mind. After so many years I felt myself in my body. Before I was myself in someone else's body. Could it be true? For months and month after month, I had realized that a change was inevitable. for all was nonsense. Living like that was nonsense. The pain I suffered every day was nonsense. I couldn't handle my ineptitude in not finding a solution to my suffering. Above all because I knew what the solution was. I had to stop eating. Maybe had nothing to do with my real problem, but I wound up asking myself if my decision about stopping eating was according to the Zeitgeist or against it. When you think and when you talk you never think or talk aside from the times you live in. The way I talked and thought in the Seventies ...

We live in the age of the Seven Deadly Sins

  One of the most diffuse sentiments in the last two years was that instinctively one understands that only a force of might can stand against another force of might. In fact, what can a single man do to succeed in getting more capability of not-complying with dogmas dictating their agenda to our lives? Individually? We have to find an interior force that pushes us toward every kind of possible interior resistance, which starts initially from a simple one-syllable-formula "No", Most of the people in front of the Satanic agenda are threatened and prefer to comply, which is not a rational response but an irrationality. Only an internal force, an interior path to follow, can give rationality in the midst of irrationality. Internal force gives pause to what is dictated to people from the outside. It becomes like a shield against threatening Satanic ideas. The Satanic agenda, which is tried to be imposed on the individual will, consists of lies, tortuous attempts to explain, ignor...

“Which book would you like people to remember you by?”

I cannot answer this question. There is no special book I would like people to remember me by. For one simple reason: once I have terminated a book, I will forget almost everything about it, and almost forever. I will rarely have the chance to reread a work of mine o part of it. Every book I wrote was written to talk about and explain the moment I was living in, therefore what is past is past, you cannot live it again. You can think of it but you cannot live it again. As my moments were so different from each other, so are my books. I could make an exception for Il Cuore Immacolato Della Madonna because when I wrote it I was living one of the most appalling moments of human history. A living terror was put outside the house door, beyond the window. And the making of that book gave me a given strength that certainly was not coming from this world completely silenced and bent on its knees. The writing of that text whose inspiring voice was coming from above gave me the strength and end...