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The Human Factor

What is this life if, full of care,
We have no time to stand and stare?—
A poor life this if, full of care,
We have no time to stand and stare.


Some decades ago Graham Greene wrote The Human Factor, which highlights how even in the most secret plots of the secret services, what determines the results is the human factor.

The same thing is to be considered in everything that has happened in the last three years, from the pandemic to the sanctions against Russia, up to the war in Ukraine, whose results are there for all to be seen, as long as one wants to see them.

The West, globalism, neoliberalism (or whatever you want to call it) which is the party that is becoming weaker and crumbling down day after day, is the best example of how the human factor is crucial. Globalism, in fact, privileged not the intelligence of its pawns, not their competence, not even their moral sense and their individual sense of responsibility towards the country and people they represent, but it has placed at the top of every government and institution its own devoted servants who in exchange for benefits (of all kinds) show themselves faithful to the Great Maleficent (Psychopathic? Satanic?) Intelligence of Globalism that leads and rule the world. And it placed them facing the diktat: either loyalty or ousting (even physical) from those privileges and grants that are given out of their loyalty.

And time and again, year after year, increasingly incapable, inadequate and incompetent personalities have been placed to run the countries of the world, profiles without skills but corruptible, wicked and evil but completely loyal (or forced to be loyal).

And the results are now undeniable. There is one part which is now growing and becoming stronger and preeminent that speaks according to a real and logical vision of the world and another part which instead wants and runs after a dystopic, alogical, psychotic world...

The winning part is that that has more competence, more respect for logic, for the social and religious values of its land and its people while the other one is forecasted to lose its power.

As Graham Greene pointed out, in the end, it is the human factor that counts.

And divine I might add.


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