Sunday 23 February 2020

À propos de coronavirus in Italy

It is always the same story, when there is a country to be hit in Europe, Italy is the first. The answers can be many, many the narratives, but I believe that Italy is an easy target, since Italians are prone to accept everything; there are no rebellions, no riots, no insurgences but only passive acceptance in this land. Italy historically has been a mere geographical expression unable to cope with the strength of far more virile peoples, if not by using deception, betrayal, turnaround, and the most squalid machiavellism. Italy has never been a real State since the fall of Roman Empire.
Gli italiani non hanno palle* this is the hard truth. Those who had le palle and sense of honour have been killed and exterminated during the First and Second World War, and the survivors were brainwashed through the occupation of the key posts in the Italian state structures by a silent army of leftist organic intellectuals, which in name of a globalist politically correct distopia have completely depallizzato** the Italian Spirit, if any.

*Italians don't have guts
** they have removed the virile pride

Saturday 22 February 2020

The window we were staring at (Part I)

SARS is the story of not one epidemic but two, and the second epidemic, the one that has largely escaped the headlines, has implications that are far greater than the disease itself. That is because it is not the viral epidemic but rather an "information epidemic" that has transformed SARS, or severe acute respiratory syndrome, from a bungled Chinese regional health crisis into a global economic and social debacle.
(David J. Rothkopf)

Your parents died well. They cannot complain, they ended well. They had money, a lot of badanti taking care of them, you and your brother. They had all. Don't be sad. You did all you could.
She stared at me, through her half closed eyes.
She paused. I breathed.
Here in Lithuania - she went on - they could be considered rich people. Many elderly in Lithuania struggle with poverty, solitude and depression...that was not the case with your parents.
But they saved the money, they deserved it - I replied.
Of course - she said - of course...I didn't mean that they didn't deserve it. I wanted to say that they had a good end, nothing more, and you don't have to feel guilty because you decided to leave them and to move to Lithuania. But remember here the elderly rarely have the same chances your parents had...
You know - I replied - it must be true, it must be true that there must be an inequality between a dominant class and an under their rule class from the very beginning...something genetically established from the very beginning...a superior class against an inferior class. How can you explain otherwise this hatred, this indifference to the sufference of people. People are poor, they die for wars they don't want, governments don't represent the interests of people but the interest of the dominant is this possible? Do I bore you?
No! Why do you ask?
I had the impression I was boring you.
You know that I have alway wanted to have a professor in my life. She laughed.
Good. Therefore it must be true that at the beginning of our species another species there must be, a species come from the space. A reptilian species, maybe.
She fell silent.
I fell silent.
Listen, she said, it is raining like in summer.
The door was open, the rain falling was heard.
What strange winter, like a prolonged autumn without end was accompanying the sound of the rain outside, beyond the opened window we were staring at.

Tuesday 18 February 2020

Machiavellism, transformism and Togliatti

Renato Mieli, in Togliatti 1937, captures well the synthesis between Machiavellism and transformism, which in the post-war period from 1945 onwards was mainly introduced in Italy by the PCI.
"The Italian Communist leaders [who were in Russia during the Stalinist purges] possessed a particular quality that made them less vulnerable than others: political ductility. By instinct, perhaps more than by calculation of prudence, they knew how to adapt themselves promptly and with discretion to Stalinist politics, of which they shared the official line, ignoring what was contradictory and conflicting in practice. They dosed their consent so as not to provoke Stalin's diffidence, but to avoid, at the same time, making himself co-responsible for his policy in the most brutal aspects."

Such a a similar system experimented in Russia - the subtle art of adapting to the situation, being a lion and a fox of Machiavellian memory, avoiding the risks that a little less malleable position would entail - Togliatti reimplanted in the Italian culture when he arrives at Neaples.

On March 26, 1944, Italy's fate changes. It takes a more precise direction, which will produce its effects up to the present.
From the fishing boat "Pescara", Palmiro Togliatti disembarks in the port of Naples after twenty-five years away from Italy and from that day on, nothing will be the same. He came from the Soviet Union where he had been alongside Stalin. He had been one of Stalin's closest collaborators.
Vesuvius was erupting that day and the ashes and fire of the volcano were breathed in the air.
As those ashes had conquered the sky of Naples, Togliatti understands that he will have to conquer Italy in the same pervasive way with ideas and not with weapons. He would have applied the Gramsci’s theories of organic intellectual.
In fact, the first thing Togliatti did was to found the Review "Rinascita", which came out in July 1944. And in the first issue, Benedetto Croce the most important representative of liberal Italian culture was violently attacked. Also personally attacked.
With those attacks, Togliatti sent a message. He wanted to make the Italian communists understand who was the enemy to fight on a cultural and ideological level.
Another important message Togliatti sent to Italian intelligentsia on the day of the killing of Giovanni Gentile, claiming the killing of the philosopher. He defined the filosofo as a criminal, and claimed the killing as just and fruit of the will of the people. Gentile assassination warned all academics and intellectuals (Gentile unlike Croce had power in universities and publishing houses). The message was this: things have changed now; now we are in charge, but we can purify you, if you, fascist and gentiliani intellectuals, come over to our side, everything will be forgiven you and you will be redeemed. Intellectuals, a fearful and servile race, rushed en masse. We will transform you from fascist to organic intellectual. We will give you a new life and a new identity.

From these two events, Italian culture moves to the left. Fundamental in this shift is the "Partito d’azione" intermediate ideology. The basic idea of ​​the Partito d'azione was this: liberalism had to find more advanced balances, liberalism had to be anti-fascist but not anti-communist, and therefore attention and dialogue had to be opened with the communists, with the aim of bringing them on more democratic positions.
This organic-vision will determine the Italian political and cultural ideology from the post-war period onwards to the present day, according to the axiom that one can be anti-fascist but not anti-communist because being anti-communist means being fascist.

Why I write

  Ordinary life does interest me. It gives me substance and makes me be what I am. But I seek in it only the high moments. I search for the ...