“Democracy does not create strong ties between people. But it does make living together easier.” — Alexis de Tocqueville I am more and more convinced, and the more I think about it and the more I realize that is true, that many people don't want liberty and they don't know what to do with their freedom (1) Many people don't know what liberty means and what liberty can be figured out. Why? Very simple, they are born slaves. Or at least they were maybe born free but they hastily have learned to become slaves. They have been framed inside a culture of enslavement (i.e. democracy, in western countries) from the very beginning of their existence. And what is terrible, they love it and accept it without questioning it. In Democracy, there is a tendency to oppress people in their spirit, and if your spirit is not well developed, has strongly developed the components of listening to the Spirit (for this concept, read HERE ), you end up accepting this oppression. Democracy enhances
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