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“Which book would you like people to remember you by?”

I cannot answer this question. There is no special book I would like people to remember me by. For one simple reason: once I have terminated a book, I will forget almost everything about it, and almost forever. I will rarely have the chance to reread a work of mine o part of it.

Every book I wrote was written to talk about and explain the moment I was living in, therefore what is past is past, you cannot live it again. You can think of it but you cannot live it again. As my moments were so different from each other, so are my books.

I could make an exception for Il Cuore Immacolato Della Madonna because when I wrote it I was living one of the most appalling moments of human history. A living terror was put outside the house door, beyond the window. And the making of that book gave me a given strength that certainly was not coming from this world completely silenced and bent on its knees.

The writing of that text whose inspiring voice was coming from above gave me the strength and endurance to endure what we were experiencing in those months, one of the most satanic attacks we have ever suffered in world history. And it changed my life. It taught me to find the takas [1], the path inside me, leading me towards an interior light which outside had been killed.

It taught me the meaning of the word faith, i.e. to trust the takas I was following under the agency of that voice coming from a superior city, which was the opposite of the city I was inhabiting in.

Those days I was walking along the takai of the forest, to be alone, to avoid the people who have completely gone crazy, completely devoted to complying for fear.

And the real takai of the forest, their bending over, up and down, they turn around and their finally revealing the exit gave me the most important lesson of my life,

I cannot forget it. What I was before I was (and I am) not after.

[1] Takas (nominative singular) in Lithuanian means the "path" of the forest. Takai is nominative plural.


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