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We live in the age of the Seven Deadly Sins


One of the most diffuse sentiments in the last two years was that instinctively one understands that only a force of might can stand against another force of might.
In fact, what can a single man do to succeed in getting more capability of not-complying with dogmas dictating their agenda to our lives? Individually?
We have to find an interior force that pushes us toward every kind of possible interior resistance, which starts initially from a simple one-syllable-formula "No",
Most of the people in front of the Satanic agenda are threatened and prefer to comply, which is not a rational response but an irrationality.
Only an internal force, an interior path to follow, can give rationality in the midst of irrationality. Internal force gives pause to what is dictated to people from the outside. It becomes like a shield against threatening Satanic ideas.
The Satanic agenda, which is tried to be imposed on the individual will, consists of lies, tortuous attempts to explain, ignorance, something that comes across as an inability to explain but capability of triggering confusion, chaos and discomfort on given subjects, which fill vacancies in the people's mental library on the topics that come in question.
But, if we consider the Seven Deadly Sins, pride, greed, wrath, envy, lust, gluttony and acedia, we find a response to what we see unleashed around the world, this enormous Satanic attack, the biggest Satanic attack in the world's history, we try to endure and resist day by day, which has overtly the aim to deny God and avert people from the Truth.
We live in the age of the Seven Deadly Sins. We experience their flourishing age and each one of us can resist by using their opposite: the Seven Capital Virtues of prudence, justice, temperance, fortitude, faith, hope, and charity. This is the interior path to follow. This is the individual might that can outcompete the Satanic might.


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