- If one punches with anger, his mind is dangerously sick. For this reason we must seek love in martial arts, love is fluid like smoke, it moves everywhere and in every direction. Only if love is the object of your mind your body becomes fluid. In anger, fear and in hatred body is rigid, hard. Love is energy, if you have love you have energy, an inexhaustible source of energy. After fifty years of age body needs elasticity and fluidity. Everyone love himself. Who does not love himself? Maybe a few...usually people love themselves, their ego. A martial artist must look inside and seek for love – The Master spoke. The day I arrived in Vilnius my goal was to find a new martial art. The search for it took eleven months. Until I met The Master. After moving to Vilnius I learned many things. A new reality. New people, new culture. New mentality. New colours , new flavours, new smells...a different world from the world I was coming from. But, the most important thing I learn...
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