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Showing posts from June, 2021

Don Minutella

  Dispiace vedere come davanti a un attacco al canale Youtube, Radio Domina Nostra, di Don Alessandro Minutella, a parte il Decimo Toro, nemmeno una voce della controinformazione si sia levata a sua difesa. Il che mi convince sempre più che quasi tutta la controinformazione è fatta da gatekeepers. Che in nulla, o in poco, si differenziano nei metodi da quella mainstream. Minutella non esiste, Minutella non deve esistere per nessuno, eppure questo sacerdote è l'unico che parla di fede, di Dio, della Madonna e di Cristo. Della preghiera. E' il sacerdote della parte umile delle persone che non si riconoscono in una chiesa irriconoscibile, apostata, eretica, satanica, che non ha difeso la gente umile ma solo i poteri forti. Gente umile ma non pecore. Gente che segue la parola di Dio non quella del Serpente, che si manifesta con l'illusione di una democrazia rispettosa dell'umanita. mentre dell'umanità non gliene importa nulla, se non in termini di sottomissione e schiav...

Cuius est haec puella?

  Stay positive my love. It is difficult, I know, but stay positive, my love. What are you thinking of? I am not sure that I even think of anything, I responded. I was lying. I was thinking of that sentence  Cuius est haec puella ? It has appeared to me from nowhere. But I knew where it was coming from. Cuius ego sum? I asked myself. I found the answer. It was written. I had to glean and gather among the sheaves behind those who harvested life before me. Qui pro nobis ius redemptionis habent . They had come into life before me and had remained till they left this life knowing that I had come to follow their legacy. Now they were resting in their shelters, And she was there, asking me what I was thinking of. She was my cliff, she was the lighthouse in the sea night. She was hinting to me with that phrase "Don’t go and glean in another field and don’t go away from here. Stay here with me and work with me, We will survive together this world befallen in the hands of Satan". Li...

500 miles - Fifth Mile

Maybe I should have prayed, but I should have believed... That place was the Hell. Pure Hell. A pray could have helped. But I should have believed... The sister was renting to an old retired colonel. He had spent a lot of his youth in India. Now he spent a lot of his time in the toilet, which was always busy. And that was a problem. When I first came here, we never had no children in here. This was only for a married couple or one on their own. You had ladies here then. And what ladies! He laughed. He went on. There was rats under the floorboard...then came people from the council and took all the floorboards up and put all poison down for the rats and they said that, definitely, rats had been there but they'd probably gone somewhere else. To annoy somebody else...that was one of the colonel's tales when he was not in the toilette. Oh, if I had believed... One night dropped by us Rachel. A Jack's old friend. We've got a new friend at work. You know her, Jack, you knew...

Being brothers

He said: I hope to hug you soon. He was far, lying in a hospital bed, waiting for the cancer surgery. I felt ashamed then. I blushed, I wasn't blushed at what he said, I blushed because I recognized that I was the same as he was, although I had forever thought I was made out of different blood and flesh, and mind. I even thought that my soul was other than his. I saw a ladder, he was somewhere about the thirteenth step, I was at the bottom instead, but it was all the same ladder. Anyone on the bottom step is bound to go up to the same top. After mother and father departed we were left alone on the same ladder, in a different position, the same direction though. Is this that means to be brothers? Didn't he say  nemo scit qui sit Filius, nisi Pater, et qui sit Pater, nisi Filius? Seguimi su Telegram:

You have been told bullshit all your life and you never knew it

  It's a bug inside you. You are human, you can have bugs. You think it is normal to have filthy bugs that tell you, what you need to be told. Because you like to be told. You accept to be told. You want to be told. It is easier to be told instead of to tell . To tell, to tell the truth, is a cross, not many can bear. Then you know that your life is wild. That you love side-paths, dark back-alleys. Oh, I practice the ignominy of vice! You cry out. And you feel you are happy, you feel that you are living, but you are dying instead. You are bloody dying, instead. You are opening up to life but dark life, but you think it is real life, but it is not, you are dying to light. Like a noxious insect. You are a human being without light. An insect. Like the insect installed inside you, from the beginning when you signed the contract saying "Yes" instead of "No". That "Yes" tickled the insect lust, that you accepted to be installed in you. A lust that deceived ...

Italia: il disastro di un paese bellissimo

Tra gli italiani la solidarietà non esiste. Esiste la complicità. (Indro Montanelli) Essendo io italiano, non posso non pensare al disastro di un paese bellssimo dove l'unico grande e vero disastro alla fin fine, che porta alla distruzione di tutto quello che questo paese ha saputo costruire di grande nei secoli, è la maggioranza degli italiani, ovvero il 90% degli Italiani (ma sono bugiardo perché dico il 90% ma in realtà penso almeno il 97%). Aver lasciato l'Italia non mi rende particolarmente orgoglioso, ormai viviamo in un mondo talmente interconnesso e globalizzato, che in forme più o meno attenuate si ripetono ovunque i "modelli" imposti da quelli che David Icke, che da trenta anni ricerca la verità su chi governa questo mondo, definisce "psicopati", e che io, seguendo però il mio punto di vista, definisco satanisti, perché la loro non è una follia, la follia compete all'essere umano, ma quello che questi "psicopati" vogliono imporre è ta...

Self-respect is the key player for remaining a Man

  Praying is giving you Self-respect. Self-respect is the power to be with yourself, to not concede, to not acquiesce, to not accept submission except in front of God. You recognize God as the unique dignified body to who you can submit your self-respect because when you submit yourself to God, you receive self-respect, you receive love, the love that is coming from another city, which is not any city from this earth, from the world you live in with your flesh, bones and blood. Self-respect is carried out (through you) in this world but it does not come from this world. Self-respect is gained in the love for God. Self-respect is what moved martyrs to martyrdom in the name of God. Self-respect in the name of God empower people to destroy every tyranny in the world, every form of Evil in the world. If you have self-respect you will never concede yourself to any power of mundane life that wants to suppress you, your independence, the love for yourself which lives in and derives from...

Seduto su una panchina in una giornata di sole (Prima Parte?)

I can't endure the thought that a man of lofty mind and heart begins with the ideal of the Madonna and ends with the ideal of Sodom. What's still more awful is that a man with the ideal of Sodom in his soul does not renounce the ideal of the Madonna (Dostoevsky) La luce della sola ragione non basta a spiegare pienamente la vita dell'uomo senza il ricorso ad una luce superiore. Sant'Agostino ha elaborato la teologia della storia almeno per quel tanto che questa può dire sul mistero dell’uomo. L'uomo è un grande mistero. Dostoevsky l'ha profondamente indagato. Sedeva su una panchina di Vokiečių gatvė. Finalmente il sole. Si beava di quel sole, finalmente. E non era una vittoria quel sole. Grandi tenebre non ne aveva avute. Ma tristezza sì. Una tristezza infinita che l'inverno, senza termine quell'anno, aveva protratto a tempo indeterminato. Tikra žiema , lo aveva definito qualche lituano, quell'inverno: un vero inverno. Tanta neve, tanto freddo, vento ...

Nessuno ti conosce così bene come me - Parte Ottava

  Una delle prime volte che il messaggio gli era stato portato, era stato un paio di estati prima, quando aveva incontrato un tipo. Un tipo strano. Fingeva di venire dal Regno Unito, era belga diceva, e viveva sotto copertura, diceva. Onestamente, non ricordava come lo aveva incontrato. Come era successo che erano diventati amici, anche se "amici" era una parola grossa. Forse, dovremmo dire, conoscenti. Ma, sai, a Vilnius, come riporta Kristina Sabaliauskaitė, una scrittrice lituana,  Niekas šiame mieste nėra tai , kas gali pasirodyti iš pirmo žvilgsnio , nulla in questa città è come può sembrare una prima vista. Si incontravano di tanto in tanto e parlavano a Vokiečių gatvė, a Sugamour. Un Bar un po' pretenzioso, un po' kitsch, ma ripensando a quei tempi potremmo dire che era il posto perfetto. Era il bar giusto al momento giusto. L'atmosfera giusta per la situazione giusta. Vivevano in una situazione fasulla; un bar fasullo gli si adattava bene. Nulla accade per...

500 miles - Fourth Mile

  And the hell was there, in London, where we moved. To Jack's sister. The hell of poor people like me and Jack. There was 200,000 more families in the London area than the homes to put them. And, in addition, there was 60,000 single persons living without sinks and stoves. In seven central London boroughs at least one in ten of all households was overcrowded, That is to say, living more than one and a half people per room... Do you fancy sharing? I asked Jack. Sharing with who? Your sister. I don't know. Maybe not. He said well. Fortune is a woman, and it is necessary if you wish to master her, to conquer her by force. And Jack, my beloved Jack was not that kind of man. ...According to some figures families of certain sizes, at the rate of building in force in London would be 350 years on the housing list before they were offered a house. Oh, certainly there was a devilish scourge upon that city made out of slimy worms. Far from God's eyes. But our baby (yes, now we had ou...

500 miles - Third Mile

  But us, Jack and I, full of hormones, were happy. We were so happy that we had a room for us. We ran, we laughed, we screamed, we burst with joy. We were so happy, Jack and I. Two kids. Two mad kids intoxicated by compulsive frenzy. But the fortune, you know the fortune...that thing that has an agency over human affairs?... I soon got pregnant and we needed more space, one room was nothing. And Jack had a car accident and he lost his job. know that thing that has an agency over human affairs? Yes, that was the Fortune. How well-off do you think we'll be? I asked Jack. Well, it's not so good, Kate. Won't have so much now. He said from the bed where he was recovering. Never mind, though, I will fix it. Look, Jack, how much much will we have? And I sat next to him. Well, you are not earning no more and I am down to sickness benefit, How much is that? Do you know? He asked me. No, but it's not very much. I said again. And we have to get out of here, your brothers a...

500 miles - Second Mile

Just you and me. Just us. Eh? I wouldn't mind Jack. I laughed Have some babies, Kate. You know? I'd like that, Jack. Sod to all the rest, Kate. Yeah. And we got married! And we sacrificed the granddad. We needed a place where to stay. We had no money. We moved to Jack's mother's place. And they moved the grandaddy to a place that the grandaddy didn't love. Just a slight history of incontinence. Said the mother Oh, I see. Said the social caregiver. Rambling in his mind at all? Asked her. Finding it difficult to remember odd little things? A little. Aren't you, grandad? Asked Jack's mother. I don't know, I never been...answered granddad. And has to be helped with dressing? The social caregiver. What do you feel about being taken into care, granddad? Well, if you ask me, I'm not in agreement with it. Responded the granddad. Besides, there is the fact that we need the space. Addressed the social caregiver Jack's mother disregarding the granddad. So w...

500 miles - First Mile

  When I wake up, well I know I'm gonna be, I'm gonna be the man who wakes up next to you When I go out, yeah I know I'm gonna be I'm gonna be the man who goes along with you When I get drunk, well I know I'm gonna be I'm gonna be the man who gets drunk next to you And when I haver, hey I know I'm gonna be I'm gonna be the man who's havering to you And I would roll 500 miles And I would roll 500 more Just to be the man who rolls a thousand miles To fall down at your door (I'm Gonna Be - 500 Miles - The Proclaimers) When I was a bit fed up, you know, and there didn't seem to be much there for me. You know how these little towns coffee bar...I meant to go there and call him, but it was closed on Sunday. That was an ugly town, indeed not a place to live long, there. But that was my place where to downplay my destiny. "Downplay"? Yes, "downplay". Don't ask me, please...I went there for a room and that fellow kept...

Der Waldgang, la via della foresta

L'uomo si differenzia dall'animale per la dignità. Non per la ragione. La ragione senza dignità non fa l'uomo. Nella dignità l'uomo prova il rispetto, ovvero il riguardare se stesso come oggetto di decoro. L'uomo dignitoso non delega ma vive in modo diretto la vita, non si costruisce aree di conforto (aree di pascolo) in cui vivere come vive il branco che si delega al copobranco pur di vivere pascolando in pace, L'uomo di dignità non può sottomettersi perché sottomettersi è abbassare il livello di rispetto e di decoro. L'uomo di dignità è un uomo trascendentale perché trascende il branco, la greggia, trascende le situazioni dove l'uomo manca di cura verso se stesso. La cura di se stesso è ciò che distingue l'uomo dalla greggia. Zarathustra finì il discorso. Il popolo capì Zarathustra, è indifferente all'uomo dignitoso. Quel popolo a cui aveva parlato e aveva comunicato le verità scoperte nella vita da eremita, che aveva trascorso sulle montagne ...

Words they speak to your mind

  Iustum esse quod latet There are words sometimes, and they speak to you. They speak revenge because they long to revenge on you? They speak like pauses, among your will to be good, and they make you stop short. As you need to breathe different air. And you feel mean, malevolent, shabby, vile. But you know, it is that not you. It is a voice that owns you not you to own the voice. Why am I, so-and-so? You ask yourself, but you know why. It's not you. That's it. It's a beyond you that is inside you. It stays in you, it abides in you. And you feel this another being smiling malignantly and brazenly, but hesitantly though. You feel its eyes gleaming and positively quivering. They look for you, they look for your acceptance. They need your overcoming your shame to admit them. Without your rehabilitation, they have no idea what they would do. You are their last resort to enter this world. You can restrain them and they will be alive through your fight or you can let them go and ...