Praying is giving you Self-respect. Self-respect is the power to be with yourself, to not concede, to not acquiesce, to not accept submission except in front of God. You recognize God as the unique dignified body to who you can submit your self-respect because when you submit yourself to God, you receive self-respect, you receive love, the love that is coming from another city, which is not any city from this earth, from the world you live in with your flesh, bones and blood. Self-respect is carried out (through you) in this world but it does not come from this world.
Self-respect is gained in the love for God. Self-respect is what moved martyrs to martyrdom in the name of God. Self-respect in the name of God empower people to destroy every tyranny in the world, every form of Evil in the world.
If you have self-respect you will never concede yourself to any power of mundane life that wants to suppress you, your independence, the love for yourself which lives in and derives from the love for God.
Self-respect obtained by prays horrifies Evil.
Pray at night when Evil's Kingdom is stronger. It will help in destroying it. Pray in nightly groups, where people like you search for Self-respect and Love from God, and fight Evil at night above all, when IT THINKS to be stronger. Evil is darkness, Evil avoids light.
The first thing that Evil wants to kill in you is Self-respect. Keep and hold on to your self-respect, Self-respect is the key player for remaining a Man.
Self-respect is gained in the love for God. Self-respect is what moved martyrs to martyrdom in the name of God. Self-respect in the name of God empower people to destroy every tyranny in the world, every form of Evil in the world.
If you have self-respect you will never concede yourself to any power of mundane life that wants to suppress you, your independence, the love for yourself which lives in and derives from the love for God.
Self-respect obtained by prays horrifies Evil.
Pray at night when Evil's Kingdom is stronger. It will help in destroying it. Pray in nightly groups, where people like you search for Self-respect and Love from God, and fight Evil at night above all, when IT THINKS to be stronger. Evil is darkness, Evil avoids light.
The first thing that Evil wants to kill in you is Self-respect. Keep and hold on to your self-respect, Self-respect is the key player for remaining a Man.
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