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People individua and persons - we need to distinguish

Following the idea of ​​St. Augustine about the saeculum [1] and that of the two cities, I come to the conclusion that the structure of what falls within the transversal category "people", which eo ipso tends to the beatification of what falls within this category, and eo ipso forgets that people are made up of individuals, must be distinguished in three sub-categories:

1) those who live under the horizon of the saeculum and only in the earthly city (the mass or the flock, i.e. the majority), and we mean the sloths (the acedious), the servants of the saeculum's propaganda, those dominated by sluggishness, the followers of Satan aware or unaware...

2) those who go beyond the horizon of the saeculum, despising it, and continually looking for the city of God which is placed beyond the horizon, and those are the rebels, those who follow the voice of conscience, who seek the truth and are ready to pay the price for telling the truth, the saints, the martyrs...those must be called persons because they, first of all, go in search of Spirit and not science. Spirit creates persons, Science makes individua [2]

3) the tepids, or those whose main goal is to mediate between the city of earth and that of God, or to live with one eye within the saeculum and with the other beyond the horizon of the saeculum. In this category fall those who fill in/occupy the spaces allowed and tolerated by the propaganda and consequently make the information as an alleged opposition but ineffective in terms of truth because in any case, they accept many dogmas of the official propaganda (that there is a pandemic, that there is a virus, that all in all the vaccine is a vaccine ...) without ever really questioning those dogmas. The new alleged politicians who seek mediation between the regime's politicians and the leaders that stand out in the new oppositions, those who when they open their mouths (as the official regime politicians) always begin with " people want, people must know, people should know, our people ... ". It is a middle category dominated both by sloth, indolence, mental laziness and by infantility, protagonism and personal profit, even though under the skin they may have some genuine revolutionary ambitions, determination sometimes, courage too, but finally they are led by the inability to radically tell the truth.

I repeat once again, the De Civitate Dei is a book that was born from the collapse of a world and can teach us a lot in this era where again one world collapses and another is born.

[1] I talked about this concept HERE
[2] I talked about this HERE


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