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Showing posts from August, 2019

The Hybrid (from "Memoires of a Martial Artist")

As flies to wanton boys we are for the gods, they kill us for sport. Soon the science will not only be able to slow down the ageing of the cells, soon science will fix the cells to the state and so we will become eternal. Only accidents, crimes, wars will still kill us but unfortunately, crimes and wars will multiply.  I love football!  (Eric Cantona)  One night at Flavio‘s, a very expensive Italian restaurant in Totorių gatvė, I saw again the professor Zecharia Najafi. He was sitting alone at one table and eating. I recognized him. His physiognomy was unmistakable. I was struck by this lonely man sitting and eating one raw steak. A bloody steak. I noticed disgusted faces around him. The other clients were observing him like a strange rubbish-creature should be observed. - I have cancer. – he said. Apparently, as if he didn't speak to me. - Pardon? What did you say? – I responded. - I‘ve cancer. I am following a holi...

Why This hatred? - Part One

Why the leading classes hate the populace? Why this scheme is persisting and dogging humanity since the beginning of the Homo Sapiens? How is it possible that such a scheme never changes, century after century? Why do the ruling classes show only cruelty and indifference to the dominated classes? Why did they seek, and try to destroy, or wear down (at least), the Catholic church that has always sought (and still seeks) the redemption of the dominated classes? There is like an agenda that has been kept alive for centuries: a few people control the multitude. There is like a pyramid of control and suppression, from the very beginning of the human race. David Icke named the ruling classes "Bloodlines". "Some of these bloodlines can be named. the British House of Windsor is one of them, so are the Rothschilds, the European royalty and aristocracy, the Rockefellers, and the rest of the so-called Eastern Establishment of the United States which produces the American p...

Unsubstantial books - Kurt Vonnegut "Slaughterhouse 5"

I took the decision to not read novels because they are unsubstantial. The 99,99% (against my will I arrived at this percentage given the high number of unsubstantial novels I daily read). I read essays, now, because usually they still persist in giving a better dimensionality about the contents. At least (technically) they have this aim. Novels today are unable to express Any ethical philosophical religious value. The unique law/code they follow is to be flat (i.e. easily graspable) avoiding to engage the human mind of their readers in any sort of conflict this engagement could eventually lead. Novels must be anodyne, FIRST. They have to face reality as a desktop faces the user. Flat, virtual, unsubstantial. Without depth. One of the latest examples might be "Slaughterhouse 5" by Kurt Vonnegut. A book well structured, a multi-layered-text. With a little amount of presumption to express deep contents. Like the problem of human sufferance, human animality, time travels, ...

Pills/tabletės: Family and gnosis - šeima ir gnosis

The family is the first enemy of gnosis. The family gives a subjective and non-objective education. That is, it deprives the State of the right/duty to say what is good and what is bad. So the family must be destroyed. Šeima yra pirmasis gnosio priešas. Šeima suteikia subjektyvų ir neobjektyvų ugdymą. Tai reiškia, kad valstybei atimama teisės / pareigos pasakyti, kas yra gerai, o kas blogai. Taigi šeima turi būti sunaikinta

Boring books - "Storia di una famiglia per bene" di Rosa Ventrella.

Thi is my personal crusade against absurd books that absolutely must be denounced as unuseful boredom, or at worst, absolute shit. Too many of these books, too many pseudo great writers who are worth nothing. There is no logic I believe inherent to the publishing market in publishing such shit, other than to keep the cultural and mental level low. At the minimum limits of brain activity. "Storia di una famiglia per bene" di Rosa Ventrella. The book starts in the way below and goes on page after page with the same speed/gear and style (primary school style) ad infinitum...unbearable! "Il giorno che nonna Antonietta mi affibbiò il soprannome di Malacarne non potrò mai dimenticarlo. Pioveva come non mai, selvaggiamente. Una di quelle piogge che capita di vedere rare volte durante l’anno. Quando succede, si sente il vento del mare scuotere qualsiasi cosa con il suo ululato e raggelare il sangue. La strada del lungomare era una pozzanghera senza fine. I campi abba...

Boring and crappy books - Kurt Vonnegut "The Sirens of Titan"

From today on I will start my personal crusade against absurd books that absolutely must be denounced as unuseful boredom, or at worst, absolute shit. Too many of these books, too many pseudo great writers who are worth nothing. There is no logic I believe inherent to the publishing market in publishing such shit, other than to keep the cultural and mental level low. At the minimum limits of brain activity. First book. When you start reading this book after 5 pages you ask yourself "What the hell he writes? Is he serious? What does he say? What is this shit for?" I think that as a comment it is quite complete. Such a book doesn't deserve many words.

A Change, and underground fights (from "Memoires of a Martial Artist")

Two days after the lecture I went to the Tai Chi class of The Master. His classes were then attracting a lot of girls. Lately, his classes had become a combination of spiritual and frivolous glamour. In the last months, he had been seen many times on the national Lithuanian TV in several talk shows. He had been interviewed by the most important Lithuanian magazines, which turned him into a fairly well-known personage in Lithuania. The Master had changed. He was now very vulnerable to female beauty. He was defenceless against it. He had lost his sense of calm trust in the fate of his mission, in the quiet submission to his stoic composure in the face of danger and in a certain disdain of worldly life. He now appreciated the worldly life. He loved that kind of life, like never before. I talked to The Master about his change. His answer was quite curious. - A man who has read a little, smells a little pedantic, a man who has read a lot smells even worse. He realized my bla...