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Why This hatred? - Part One

Why the leading classes hate the populace? Why this scheme is persisting and dogging humanity since the beginning of the Homo Sapiens? How is it possible that such a scheme never changes, century after century?
Why do the ruling classes show only cruelty and indifference to the dominated classes? Why did they seek, and try to destroy, or wear down (at least), the Catholic church that has always sought (and still seeks) the redemption of the dominated classes?
There is like an agenda that has been kept alive for centuries: a few people control the multitude. There is like a pyramid of control and suppression, from the very beginning of the human race.
David Icke named the ruling classes "Bloodlines".
"Some of these bloodlines can be named. the British House of Windsor is one of them, so are the Rothschilds, the European royalty and aristocracy, the Rockefellers, and the rest of the so-called Eastern Establishment of the United States which produces the American presidents, business leaders, bankers and administrators." (David Icke, The biggest secret).

I was born and raised in a Catholic culture. I believed in Jesus Christ, in democracy, in human equality, in freedom and in love.
Then I stopped believing in Jesus. Besides, I realized that democracies do not exist, that there is no human equality and that hate exists, there is so much hatred in this world. After many years of doubts, I reached the conclusion that the story (the stories) which is officially told, does not exist. For every official story, there are many other stories, which say otherwise Therefore I knew that the world above is not the one below, but that the real world is yet the world below, the one that cannot be seen and that influences (creates) the one above. And finally, I comprehended that this has always been the case since the human race exists. But why?
Slowly I started to find a line, a direction. Perhaps difficult to prove, but the more I investigate it, the more I find it likely. Mauro Biglino with his interpretation (let's pretend that) of the Bible, Pietro Buffa with his book "I geni manipolati di Adamo", opened a new line of reality.
Lastly, I came to the extremism of David Icke, with his theory on Reptilians.
"You will probably have to go back hundreds of thousands of years to find the starting point of this story of human manipulation [...]" (David Icke, The biggest secret). I believe this. I believe that if you want to find an explanation to this hate, to this cruelty and indifference to suffering from the upper classes side (of which September 11, 2001, is the most monstrous example) must be a genetical explanation or, in any case, anthropological.

(to be continued...)


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