I would compare my writing method with that of a scientist who studies the quantum world. Who tries to investigate the visible reality, the Newtonian one, starting from the invisible one - the quantum one – because he knows that if he can explain the Newtonian reality by using the quantum one, if he can find the meeting point between the two realities, he will be able to explain better, to understand in depth the correlations between those two realities. I started doing this work in 2007 when I published, "Albert Richter, an eagle among swastikas". In that book, the German cycling between the two wars, I tried to identify how Nazism had influenced cycling, and sport in general, and had changed it. And how Nazism actually depended on esoteric influences. In "The Smile of the Harlot", a 2011 book of mine, I tried instead to analyze the modalities globalism (the financial elites) imposes a reality of crisis on people, with the subliminal aim to educate the...