It is always the same story, when there is a country to be hit in Europe, Italy is the first. The answers can be many, many the narratives, but I believe that Italy is an easy target, since Italians are prone to accept everything; there are no rebellions, no riots, no insurgences but only passive acceptance in this land. Italy historically has been a mere geographical expression unable to cope with the strength of far more virile peoples, if not by using deception, betrayal, turnaround, and the most squalid machiavellism. Italy has never been a real State since the fall of Roman Empire. Gli italiani non hanno palle * this is the hard truth. Those who had le palle and sense of honour have been killed and exterminated during the First and Second World War, and the survivors were brainwashed through the occupation of the key posts in the Italian state structures by a silent army of leftist organic intellectuals, which in name of a globalist politically correct distopia have comp...
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