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We need to create a new way of making literature

Today, the majority of culture is divided into two parts: the brainless one promoted by traditional publishing—large-scale publishing, in terms of audience and numbers—aimed at the 'hylics,' and the publishing sector that seeks to provide counter-information for those searching for the truth.

If mainstream publishing promotes the superficiality of the human mind—the void, the trite, and the hackneyed—counter-informative publishing is focused solely on political or geopolitical aspects. As of now, counter-informative culture, encompassing fiction, poetry, and philosophy, has yet to produce anything serious according to new standards.

There is too much emphasis on either total and blind obedience to the official narrative on one side, or resistance and resilience to it on the other.

I am convinced that those who seek to create a new and opposing literature must withdraw from any militant struggle, at least within their works. The works they produce should reflect a new consciousness rooted in the theology of history, rather than a militant testimony to an ideology.

What did the militant culture of 1968 and the Seventies achieve in terms of valuable literature?

Jack Kerouac and Lawrence Ferlinghetti, to name a couple of examples.

However, compared to that historical moment, it is now evident what was not apparent before: we are living in a world dominated by a Satanic culture, no longer Christian. Christianity is opposed and fought at every level. The See of Peter is now in the hands of powers that have nothing to do with Christianity.

It is necessary, then, to recreate a literature that returns to studying the models of the past—by that, I mean the Renaissance, the most innovative and creative period in Italian literary history—and to graft those onto new anti-globalist, multipolar ideas. Above all, it is fundamental to return to Christian ideals of life.

A life centrally dominated by the presence of the idea of God, not by the death of God.

We must unmask, reveal, and highlight the Gnostic influences that have infiltrated literary and especially philosophical thought. We must begin to see philosophy in a new light, as is already happening with history. In historical research, some authors have shed light on the schemes of those who have worked to impose world dominion into the hands of Satan and his collaborators (consider all the works by Italian authors who have definitively exposed the lies surrounding the unification of Italy, carried out by the same people now steering the world in a certain direction).

We must return to philosophy and literature that speaks of man, not of the separation between ‘rex extensa’ and ‘cogitans.’

We must return to the unity of man in God, for it is now evident that we live in an era where the apocalypse is beginning to take shape.

We must bring back to the center of our reflection Beauty, Love, and Poetry in their highest sense. We must begin to distinguish between genuine attempts to create high-level poetry and the vast majority of poetry and literature that falls under Sturgeon’s Law—the 90%, indeed.

We must expose how the major publishers have often worked in the service of intelligence agencies, and how certain bestsellers have been manufactured to serve specific purposes.

We must demonstrate how publishing, largely controlled by the left and others, has continued to operate according to certain logics not far removed from Hollywood’s.

We must acknowledge that true culture cannot be for everyone. Reluctantly, I must admit that the Gnostic theory of 'hylics' contains a kernel of truth. No matter how much we strive to say otherwise, 90% of the masses are indeed 'hylics.

[I] In the philosophical field, the Gnostic influences in the works of Goethe and Fichte (both connected to Masonic lodges) and Hegel (who probably had contacts with the Masons) are becoming increasingly evident. Just to make some examples.


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