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Some considerations about a sentence in Parmenides


Some sentences stop your attention when you read a text. 
By reading Parmenides I was entangled by this sentence which made me stop reading and caught my mind.

ὡς τά δοκοῦντα [1] χρῆν δοκιμῶς εἶναι "things that appear have always been to be as they appear".

What could that χρῆν εἶναι mean? That we translated with the paraphrase "have always been".
It certainly refers to something that was before the δοκίμως, "what is as it appears", which has a form because it is entrusted to, relied on the χρῆν εἶναι, which acts as prius
Therefore "what is as it appears" (δοκιμῶς) is δόξα (what is thought, supposed, imagined) because it does not possess the objective certainty of the truth, which is instead the χρῆν εἶναι "what has always been", the postulate of δόξαι but is still other than αἱ δόξαι

In the sentence"it is said that Mario is nice" the δόξα uncloses in the pronoun "they" but it is different from the prius (χρῆν εἶναι) Mario, who is "what has always been" and let unclose the δόξα "nice".

This relation, we highlighted above, reminds, mutatis mutandis, an unclosure of many centuries later. The Fichtian distinction between Objective Ego (infinite) and Subjective Ego (finite), where the Objective Ego is not identical with the subjective Ego (i.e. non-Ego). The subjective Ego is ego, the objective is Ego + non-Ego.


[1] Note that the neuter participle pl. τά δοκοῦντα which we have translated as "things" properly means "appearances" and is the present participle of δοκέω, "to appear". Even δοκιμῶς is probably related to δοκέω, as well as δόξα.


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