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Showing posts from September, 2023

TV is Satan's machine - Arvydas Šliogeris

An important Lithuanian philosopher, Arvydas Šliogeris (1944 - 2019) who is defined as the Kant of Lithuania, developed an analysis of the TV screen which today, in a post “pandemic” era, is more relevant than ever. According to Šliogeris, the TV screen is the most dangerous enemy of mankind. The reason is that it can detach a person from the real world and lure him into a realm of illusions and hallucinations. In today's world, the screen is the most precious gift that we have. It is so powerful that it can pump ideologies into our minds without us even realizing it. It has been observed that there are no more ideologies in the world, as they are all being propagated through the Screen. It is more powerful than all religions and all traditional ideologies combined together. The screen is a place of global deception, terror and obscenity. He is convinced that the Screen is the most reliable and effective suicide instrument for mankind. We must run away from him (i.e. turn it off)....

L' "abiura della trilogia della vita" di Pasolini non fece altro che confermare la grande malattia del popolo italiano

  In questa riflessione sul popolo italiano parlo dell'Italia, ma non per farne un termine di confronto con altre nazioni. Per dire questo è peggio o meglio dell'altro. Parlo dell'Italia sic et simpliceter senza voler fare paragoni. Parlo dell'Italia perché grande è il dolore nel vedere il paese dove sono nato ridotto ormai a un cumulo di macerie morali, sociali culturali e politiche e soprattutto accettare passivamente e supinamente la sostituzione etnica che gli stanno imponendo senza accennare la minima reazione,ma solo pensando nell'ottica del "particulare" di guicciardiniana memoria ognuno a salvare la propria pelle. La desolazione culturale, politica e il completo disinteresse che la classe politica italiana (nella quasi sua completa interezza) manifesta nei confronti del proprio paese, non nasce dalla classe politica. Chi accusa la classe politica fa come il bue che dà di cornuto all'asino. Non vede e non capisce che la classe politica nasce da ...

Seeing Luchino Visconti's "Gruppo di famiglia in un interno" many years later

Lately, I had the opportunity to watch again Luchino Visconti's movie " Gruppo di famiglia in un interno " which I had seen many years ago. Upon re-watching the movie, I found it to be still relevant and interesting, especially for individuals who enjoy thought-provoking cinema. The movie has a modern structure and well-crafted dialogues, making it a timeless classic. However, the use of obscene language in the movie is dated and not as impactful as in our contemporary times. The theme of "scandal", the central theme of the movie, revolving around the character of Konrad (played by Helmut Berger), a gigolo and a double agent who is both a criminal and an informer, is also somewhat dated. I believe that the level of evil and crime in today's world was not even imaginable during Visconti's time. The movie features great performances by Silvana Mangano and Burt Lancaster (stratospheric), with the young (at that time) Claudia Marsani and Stefano Patrizi also...

Strano animale l'uomo

  Strano animale l'uomo Tutto pare Tutto ammette Tutto dice Fuor che, in fondo, Animale è. Mangia scoreggia e caca I più, O poco più di quello capaci sono Di fare e pensare. Eppure fingono Si coprono di strati Squame E chiamano Cultura, buone maniere. Sono goffi strani Belli talora - Ma animali Senza Dio - Dio è morto Infatti Ai più ignoto In pochi cuori Vive come in catacombe Accolto. Non provo pena Per chi non ragiona Viva del suo destino non merita sapere che alla fine l'animale muore e rimane - solo carcassa a marcire. Vitio proprio, non natura.

Does truth exist? The answer is yes - do not give in to the idea of relativism

Does truth exist? Of course, if and only if you believe in God it exists. Otherwise, it becomes quite relative, the existence of truth. If you believe in God you are persistently searching for His Word, and this brings you to develop important components that make you skilful in listening to what is coming to you from the upper existence (The City of God) which is intertwined with the reality you experience everyday ( saeculum ). Into the saeculum is dominating the mainstream narrative, which is controlled by a restricted number of people who are the dominators of the narrative and therefore of the world, or at least this is what they aim for. Who controls the narrative has as a goal to control the entire population of the earth. But believing that truth exists (God) will teach you to go along your path, in a search for it, and this will enable you to see the very many signs of truth. And while you will develop all the components you need within you to separate truth from lies, you wi...