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An unexpected attraction (Third part)

They are two exosomes. Both gays. One is Iranian, the other, the one you like, is Finnish.
He was disoriented. What she was talking about? How did she know that he liked the Finnish guy?
Actually, I do not understand what you want? And...who are you?
My name is Eiva. I come here to work, like you. I noticed how often you glance at them, above all at him. And she hinted at him with the cup of coffee she was holding in her hand.
They are not nice guys, I tell you, are both pervs.
She seemed jealous. He had that impression. But jealous for what? It was the first time he saw her.
Why did you say they are exosomes? He asked. He was curious about that strange definition.
They are extraneous bodies, they act in a way which is different from the way we usually do here in Lithuania. We are not a multicultural society, we like to hold to what we are and have been. Do you understand?
I think so, he replied. They are scandalous in your eyes.
Yes, they are...are you married? She asked, bluntly.
Yes, I am. Why? Does it count for you?
No, I asked just for curiosity.
Do I look like a married man?
He laughed. Yes, I am married and I love my wife.
She's Lithuanian I imagine.
Yes. You imagine well. What about you?
I am single.
Are you looking for a partner?
Not really. I live well, alone. I like observing people, that's my favourite diversion at the moment.
Did you observe me?
I don't know. A sort of energy was coming from you.
He paused. She was saying the same he was thinking in the end. Energy.
But your energy was not directed to me. Was always direct to that Finnish guy.
How do you know them?
I talked to them sometimes. But I don't like them. So, I stopped talking to them.
You made it quite clear.
But if you have a wife, why do you want him?
What make you believe that I want him?
The way you were looking at him. The energy you proved watching him.
And she was now facing him defiantly. But he thought instead, she was "eager".
I...he replied...I (and he was searching for and weighing words)...think they entertain me.
They entertain you?
It's a bore to stay six or eight hours they are my the end, I observe as you observe. As you feel pleasure observing, I feel pleasure watching them...I think this is the same for me.
But this said, he felt that that sentence was a too-expected response, sort of a stage direction in a play (now respond vaguely and indefinitely).
They, both, fell silent.
Outside, beyond the big window it was a still lovely day hot and sunny. The summer was already there.



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