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An unexpected attraction - the Negroni and male...


His wife that night had a meeting with old friends. A group of wives that once in a while had a reunion in some locals in Vilnius, that mostly was consistent with drinking and chatting nonsense.

He had tried many times to dissuade her not to go to those meetings, she was unhappy with those women. When she returned home she was every time so disappointed with them...

Why did you go, then? He used to ask her every time.

I had to. They invited me. I couldn't say, NO.

And that's the way it is. No way to change it.

So, he decided to have dinner alone. The sole idea of being home alone was without pleasure. And disquieting.

On the third floor of Panorama, the mall where he went to work every day (at the Ikea space), there was a Mexican restaurant. He had never been there.

Why not? He said. I want to have some takai (tacos).

He realized that that place was for solo diners. Only a couple of couples were there. The atmosphere was dominated by hushed and dim lights, inviting as a waiting room can be, where you feel this is not the place you can belong to for too long of a time because you know that you are only passing through, it's not your final destination.

He sat down and ordered some takai and a Negroni. He decided to cheer up his lonely night with something he loved when he lived in Florence.

While waiting for the takai he started drinking the Negroni. A beautiful girl passed by in front of him, probably returning from the toilette. He couldn't help but watch her ass and think that in Lithuania unfortunately girls rarely have beautiful asses. He meant feminine asses. Most of them have male asses. Little as male asses.

And the word "male ass" triggered something that sent signs of "agitation" (he decided to deny himself the word "arousal"), because he thought of the little slut's ass.

He felt pathetic though. The Negroni made him live in a sort of augmented reality. Unbearable. Also, that diminished place was augmenting the desire he was trying to suffocate in every way.

He couldn't wait to go home and see his wife.

I love you so much. He whispered.

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