The man who is not seeking the truth is not seeking it because he was created by a constituent other than the truth, but because he has decided, knowingly or unknowingly, not to remain in the truth, even though he has been allowed to remain in the truth, as Saint Augustine clearly exemplifies it when he is speaking of Evil par excellence: the Devil, or the fallen angel: Ille [Diabolus] homicida erat ab initio et in veritate non stetit... non dixisse Dominum: A veritate alienus fuit; sed: In veritate non stetit, ubi a veritate lapsum intellegi voluit, in qua utique si stetisset, eius particeps factus beatus cum sanctis angelis permaneret (Augustinus, De Civitate Dei, XI, 13)
"From the beginning, he [The Devil] was a murderer and did not remain in the truth...the Lord did not say: "It was of another nature than the truth", but: He did not remain in the truth. He wanted to make understand precisely he was ousted of the truth because if he had persevered in it, of which he was a partaker, would have remained happy together with the holy angels."
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