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Truth-seeking is a too big cross to be borne - for everyone


The truth is sought in many ways, but finally, they boil down to two modes.
Many people who seek the truth, do not seek it de facto. They simply adhere to some narratives. The word (to adhere) outlines a reclining mode, almost a glueing mode, to their positioning by remaining attached to it; and without any individual effort, they cling to the imposed narrative which, like a tick, swells to the detriment of those who adhere to it until it becomes (that narrative) abnormal compared to the moment of initial adhesion, and ultimately it will suffocate and will totally annihilate the individual, who has adhered to the narrative that has become dominant, in his will and individuality.

Usually, people who adhere to it are those who are already willing (convinced) to adhere to such a narrative. Complete adherence takes place through a pre-adherence initiated by being previously exposed to a long obsessive and aimed, in terms of repetitive intensity, induced propaganda that manages to attract towards itself those who do not have the ability to react and/or to critically think.

Those who truly seek the truth never settle down and never remain glued to official positions but they pierce them instead, they break them and go beyond the narrative, knowing that narratives hide exactly the opposite of what is meant to make them believe. Above all, they shield themselves from the repetitive and obsessive propaganda-hype, because they have a critical capacity of thinking on their own basis.

Above all, these people are structured to suffer but naturally structured, because, in comparison with the majority (the herd), they are already structured to seek the truth.
This does not mean that free will is not, in any case, decisive in choosing one or the other way of searching for truth. Because the positioning in searching for the truth can possibly become a comfort zone in which one prefers to remain for convenience or for many other reasons, even though it is well known the betrayal that it is about to be perpetrated to the detriment of the individual conscience.

In fact, steering away from the comfort zone can imply carrying a cross too big to be bearable, for everyone.


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