Omnis Scriptura divinitus inspirata est et utilis ad docendum, ad arguendum, ad corrigendum, ad erudiendum in iustitia
All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness (2 Timothy 3:16)
Usually, it seems that God's action is not present in history, but this turns out to be true only for those who do not know how to read the structure of God's work, the way He structures his signs. In fact, as Augustine clarifies, God, in this world, let deliberately the devil operate, a wicked essence by his choice (diabolus voluntate sua malus), so that good may arise from evil: [Deus] fecit, ut diabolus institutione illius bonus, voluntate sua malus [. ..] id est, ut prosint temptationes eius sanctis, quibus eas obesse desiderat, [God] created the devil good by his order, but wicked essence by his choice, in such a way that his temptations would benefit the saints, with respect to whom [the Saints] he wants those temptations to do harm.
The Saints in fact are the manifestation on earth, the ostensible appearance, of the Postulate (God) that makes us feel and perceive what is unveiling itself as a reality postulated beyond reality. The saints, like the prophets, ultimately are the resonance of that Postulate in our history.
Quoniam Deus, cum eum conderet, futurae malignitatis eius non erat utique ignarus et praevidebat quae bona de malo eius esset ipse facturus, since God, in creating the Devil, being aware of his wickedness, foresaw how to turn evil into good.
And in order to do so, God uses Saints, prophets, Holy Scriptures and signs to breathe out his Presence into the History of this world.
(The present analysis is referring to De Civitate Dei XI, 17)
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