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The Masses Are Not Asking to Be Saved


There is much talk about "awakening" people, about the salvation of the masses, without considering a simple truth: the masses do not want to be saved. The mass is, by definition, something to be kneaded, shaped, and moulded—it exists to be acted upon.

The essence of the masses is formed from a single ingredient: complicity [1]. Complicity means accepting guilt without acknowledging it, acting not from personal conviction but simply following orders. It removes the sense of personal responsibility, for in complicity, one merely complies. But who asks for this compliance? Others. These "Others"—and perhaps "that" would be a more accurate term—are not individual humans in a moral or thoughtful sense but extensions of the collective mindless will. They are complicit but without awareness of their complicity.Complicity, in this sense, is participation in an endless chain of obedience, a chain without a visible end because the end is deliberately obscured. Every person complicit in this chain serves a hidden power that lies beyond the visible world. This hidden power manifests itself through the visible, and it has a name: Evil.
Evil is the absence of true creation. It does not make or form, but inspires others to do so, empowering them to mold and shape without genuine intent. It sets things in motion without taking direct action, using the masses as living, malleable material to be fashioned according to its hidden designs.
And those who claim to speak for the masses—those who insist that the masses are merely victims, hypnotized by the powers that be—are complicit in the same falsehood. By reinforcing this narrative, they help sustain the very structure they claim to oppose.
The masses are not the elites. They seek a life of comfort, of pleasure without suffering, a kind of utopia. They have no interest in politics, in enlightenment, or in salvation. Their goal is to live hic et nunc, here and now, without striving to distinguish themselves from animals

They prefer to silence the part of themselves that sets them apart from beasts—the part that, as Augustine says qua superat inferiores suas, quas etiam cum pecoribus communes habet [2],“surpasses the lower parts that are shared even with cattle.” Listening to that voice would bring suffering, and the masses seek, above all, to exclude suffering from their horizon.P.S. Regarding the minority who instead learn to listen to the transcendental and thereby transcend the mass, see above, number V.

PS.About the minority, who instead learns to listen to the transcendental hum and transcends the mass see my article in Academia

[1] For the concept of "complicity" see Giorgio Agamben Il complice e il sovrano
[2] Saint Augustine De Civitate Dei, XI, 2


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