From today onward I start a new section in this blog. I will publish sentences of writers from the past that have a high significance for the present time we live in, as if they would have foreseen what one day would have surfaced ia n total and unquestionable way.
Here is a sentence from a Lithuanian writer, Vincas Mykolaitis-Putinas (1893 - 1967) poet, writer and playwright. His most famous novel is "Altorių šešėly" (In the shadows of the altars).
“Yra žmonių, kurių vienintelis paskyrimas — puošti pasaulį ir daryti kitiems malonumą. [...] Jie bus gerai išauklėti, malonūs, turės geras manieras, bet absoliučiai niekam nenaudingi. Jie neturės jokių pareigų ir nedirbs jokio darbo. Nedarydami niekam naudos, jie nedarys niekam nei žalos. Ir į klausimą, koks tų žmonių buvimo pateisinimas, nerasi jokio atsakymo kaip vien tai, kad jie puošia pasaulį. Kai kas tokius žmones vadina visuomenės parazitais.” ( Altorių šešėly)
"There are people whose only purpose is to decorate the world and give pleasure to others [...] They will be well-mannered, kind, have good manners, but absolutely useless. They will have no sense of responsibility and will not do any work. By not doing anything good to anyone, they will do no harm to anyone. And to the question, of what is the justification for the existence of those people, there is no answer other than the fact that they decorate the world. Some people call such people parasites."
Here is a sentence from a Lithuanian writer, Vincas Mykolaitis-Putinas (1893 - 1967) poet, writer and playwright. His most famous novel is "Altorių šešėly" (In the shadows of the altars).
“Yra žmonių, kurių vienintelis paskyrimas — puošti pasaulį ir daryti kitiems malonumą. [...] Jie bus gerai išauklėti, malonūs, turės geras manieras, bet absoliučiai niekam nenaudingi. Jie neturės jokių pareigų ir nedirbs jokio darbo. Nedarydami niekam naudos, jie nedarys niekam nei žalos. Ir į klausimą, koks tų žmonių buvimo pateisinimas, nerasi jokio atsakymo kaip vien tai, kad jie puošia pasaulį. Kai kas tokius žmones vadina visuomenės parazitais.” ( Altorių šešėly)
"There are people whose only purpose is to decorate the world and give pleasure to others [...] They will be well-mannered, kind, have good manners, but absolutely useless. They will have no sense of responsibility and will not do any work. By not doing anything good to anyone, they will do no harm to anyone. And to the question, of what is the justification for the existence of those people, there is no answer other than the fact that they decorate the world. Some people call such people parasites."
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