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Comment on "A new stage in the conflict between democracy and religion" by Alvydas Jokubaitis (second part) - Devil's strategies


The article we are going to discuss  is to be found here:

There is also a YouTube video available:

One of Jokubaiti's main leitmotifs is that science, being harnessed by a vision that man can be changed starting from external determinants (Marxist vision: change society and you change man), falsifies reality trying to explain everything (the real world) without considering (putting it aside as no worthy of explanation) the spirituality of the homo interior, God; deliberately forgetting that man gali girdėti sąžinės ir Dievo balsą "man can hear the voice of conscience and God"(cancel Christianity - the obsession of the Masonic elites) as Jokubaitis had written in one previous book of his, Politinis Idiotas ( Political Idiot). 
Science has become atheism and atheism consequently science, and finally science has become a perfect vehicle (the main vehicle) of falsificatication of reality. Through the idea that only what is scientific is true, the elites found their immaculate way to falsify reality by manipulating science.
But is this manipulation just an elite strategy or is it something more?  
Let‘s hear what Jokubaitis has to say about the falsification of reality, as a strategy of the devil.
Jokubaitis is in fact capable to grab and understand that this reality, the fight for ruling the world and controlling humanity through science (AI) we are living in and forced to experience in today's world, cannot be explained without tracing the real and Prime Mover of this scam which took place all over the worl: i.e. Devil.

Renesanso laikais krikščionybei buvo priekaištaujama dėl jos fantazijų apie nematomus dalykus. Modernieji filosofai ir mokslininkai žadėjo remtis faktais ir parodyti tikrąjį pasaulį. Tačiau šio pažado rezultatas priešingas – mes jau nežinome net to, ką žinojo mūsų pirmtakai. Mokslu grindžiamos Vakarų civilizacijos žmonės nebežino, kas yra šeima, moteris ar religija. Modernusis menas šiandien ne atvaizduoja pasaulį, bet kuria atskirą prasmių tikrovę. Tą patį galima pasakyti apie politiką. Parlamentarai ne reprezentuoja piliečius, kaip oficialiai teigiama, bet įrodinėja savo pačių reikalingumą. Kartais atrodo, jog pagrindiniu naujausios velnio kovos su krikščionybe strategijos tikslu yra skirtumo tarp tikrovės ir fantazijos [melo] pašalinimas.

During the Renaissance, Christianity was criticized for its fantasies about invisible things. Modern philosophers and scientists promised to rely upon facts and show the real world. But the result of this promise is the opposite - we no longer know even what our predecessors knew. People of Western civilization based on science no longer know what family, woman or religion is. Modern art today does not reflect the world but creates a separate reality of meanings. The same can be said about politics. Parliamentarians do not represent citizens, as it is officially stated, but assert their own necessity. Sometimes it seems that the main goal of the devil's latest strategy to fight Christianity is to eliminate the difference between reality and fantasy [lie].

We add the word "lie" because the devil's main goal is only and especially to lie. The devil's fantasy is expressed only through lies, IT doesn't know another way to express ITSELF. 
In fact, politicians lie, lie all the time. They have no imagination because they are just kept repeating the lies they are told to tell.


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