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We live and experience selective times


We live and experience selective times, Deo gratias, where the evil that is hitting humanity has the power to select and separate and show who deserves to know the truth and who does not, ABOVE ALL who is structured to understand the truth and who does not. Saint Augustin, once again, has the best words to express it.

Nam sicut sub uno igne aurum rutilat, palea fumat, et sub eadem tribula stipulae comminuuntur, frumenta purgantur; nec ideo cum oleo amurca confunditur, quia eodem praeli pondere exprimitur: ita una eademque vis irruens bonos probat, purificat, eliquat; malos damnat, vastat, exterminat. Unde in eadem afflictione mali Deum detestantur atque blasphemant, boni autem precantur et laudant. Tantum interest, non qualia, sed qualis quisque patiatur. Nam pari motu exagitatum et exhalat horribiliter caenum et suaviter fragrat unguentum. (De Civitare Dei, I, 8,2)

“For, in the same fire, gold gleams and straw smokes; under the same flail the stalk is crushed and the grain threshed; the lees are not mistaken for oil because they issued from the same press. So, too, the tide of trouble will test, purify, and improve the good, but beat, crush, and wash away the wicked. So it is that, under the weight of the same affliction, the wicked deny and blaspheme God, and the good pray to Him and praise Him. The difference is not in what people suffer but in the way they suffer. The same shaking that makes fetid water stink makes perfume issue a more pleasant odor.”


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