Comment on "A new stage in the conflict between democracy and religion" by Alvydas Jokubaitis (first Part)
The article we are going to discuss is to be found here:
There is also a YouTube video available:
As I said in other posts of mine, one of the most brilliant minds (probably the only one) of Lithuanian intelligentsia is the philosopher Alvydas Jokubaitis. Above all he is to be appreciated because of the freshness of the themes that he checks in with.
In the last months, he devoted his analysis to Christianity and democracy to finally land on the topic of how the devil insinuated itself and entered our society.
His analysis is noteworthy, but he is missing the last final step: he persists in considering the Valstybė, the state, as the certified centre that has the power to decide [1], when, in reality, the State has become, in the Unipolar World, just a mere executor of decisions that are made elsewhere by different powers completely unrelated to every single state.
Those centres are the same centres that rule(d) the finance and economy of the world, whose ideology, it has become undeniable at this point of the state of the Art, is Satanism, whose main aim was the infiltration of the Catholic Church and the substitution of the Christian religion with a different religion which we see Bergoglio is day by day elaborating [2]
[1] See for example this assertion Dabartinių visuomenių įstatymus leidžia krikščionybės suprasti nenorintys parlamentarai "The laws of today's societies are made by parliamentarians who do not want to understand Christianity". But I think, but it is of course just my personal supposition, that he may speak a sort of Ezopinė Kalba: a language which deliberately fails to mention its deliberate objectives to avoid censorship but which, within the limits allowed, manages to convey the fundamental concept/concepts. Ezopinė Kalba is well rooted in Lithuanian literature, at least since the Soviet occupation onward. See it in Nerija Putinaitė, Nenutrūkusi Styga, Aidai 2007, chapter V p. 160 etc...
[2] We refer to the attentive dissection that Bergoglio's unique and real opponent makes of this slow penetrating and changing attempt to eradicate Jesus from the Christian religion: that is Don Minutella. Passim you can find his impressive bringing-to-light analysis of Bergoglio's apostasy on his YouTube channel:
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