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Why do we do things we are not willing to do when we want to do something else?


I believe that man is perhaps a rational and social animal but he is certainly not completely controllable in his nature by the democratic societies where he lives, although these societies are being built in such a way that they increasingly aim at total control, even, now, subcutaneous and no longer just extracutaneous. But above all, there are two categories of humanity, the flock and the shepherds. And the shepherds are often the ones who have the most psychopathic, criminal, corrupt, demonic nature. Let's call them Elohim, the ruling class, and Adams, the ruled class, if we decide to follow the lines of the Bible. Let's call them whatever we want, but in the very underneath of history, there is a long red line that binds the masterminds of the world of today to the masterminds of the world of that time.

I believe that in the human soul, from the day of the expulsion from the earthly paradise onwards, there are basically two reasons that continue to corrupt the human soul. The yearning to overpass the limitation of death and replace God. Man's deepest longing is in fact to become immortal and ultimately therefore to be himself the God he wants to get rid of. And all this happens in an attempt to correct their inner fallen humanity, and therefore corrupt from the expulsion onwards, with inadequate methods, as one of the most brilliant minds of Lithuanian culture (perhaps the only truly brilliant mind, to my knowledge) the philosopher Alvydas Jokubaitis: the idea of ​​original sin says that from the very beginning the world and the human being were different from the contemporary ones and because they have been corrupted, neither artificial intelligence nor digital competence will be able to correct them (Prigimtinės nuodėmės idėja sako, kad iš pradžių pasaulis ir žmogus buvo kitokie negu dabar, tačiau sugedo, ir to negali ištaisytiš nei dirbtinis komputerių pasaulis)

Hasn't this been the case since the Renaissance? A continuous search to eliminate the cumbersome burden of Christ and replace it with that of the man-God. And now in fact we are into the transhuman phase. And we are witnessing the total dismantling of the Catholic Church, pervasively infiltrated by the masonic and satanic thought, where a Pope, who is truly not the Pope, sits and professes an anti-Christian and anti-Marian religion.

As the philosopher, Alvydas Jokubaitis again points out: we need divine grace to control human nature, psychotherapy and the European Union are not enough (reikia jo Kūrėjo malonės, neužtenka psichoterapijos ir Europos Sąjungos).

And those who descend from that long red line are those who want to impose on the flock, on the Adams, the transfiguration of the man they advocate: switching from the idea of a man created as an image of God to the image of a man who has completely removed his divine nature and implanted a luciferin one.

Here, in our opinion, lies the origin of that impulse to the Evil that always leads us towards discontent and doing what we do not want to do, in the form of an external covering that ends up veiling the divine inner grace and the light that is in us and ultimately steers us away from happiness, from what we would be called to do but we are prevented through the seduction executed by superstructures that human nature in itself does not need for being happy.

NB. Jokubaitis quotes are taken from the article "Why is it difficult to understand politics without Christianity?" (Kodėl be krikščionybės sunku suprasti politiką?)


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