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Crossing the last uncrossable red line


I resume the considerations about the asymmetrical warfare exposed in some of my previous posts.

After the start of the conventional war in Ukraine, the asymmetrical war of the common people, the one without weapons, took shape as a secondary form of resistance, which had previously pointed out a direction and a vision of love, peace, truth and justice while the oppressors were launching their last (probably) and most powerful offensive.

Doctor David Martin sums up very well the two worldview-vision which was prior to the new situation triggered by the war in Ukraine..,This occurred in an interview that was given on an Italian channel (Visione TV)

There are two world views. There is a worldview that says that people are an inconvenience that needs to be controlled and manipulated and coerced into behaviour. And there is a worldview that says we are fundamentally beautiful creative wonderful beings who have the ability to engage at liberty and celebrate the diversity of this beautiful planet, we call home, and the life we have on the planet. And those two world views are in direct conflict. And the conflict boils down to something very simple. The first worldview is animated by fear and scarcity. And when you fundamentally believe that people need to be living in fear and to be taken to believe to be themselves in scarcity, then what you need is to control people. The best agent of control is to manipulate the very organic nature, because if you get them addicted to a medical scientific view of the world and life then you control every action they take. If you take the latter view, which happens to be the view I live in, what you find is that the world is abandoned. But if we treat each other with respect and dignity we treat the earth as our home and not like a place to manipulate and exploit. Those two views are in conflict because we live in a time where the worldview defined by scarcity has run out of all its power and now is trying to see the ultimate power, which is to take control of humans

The war in Ukraine has shown that there are red lines you cannot cross, and when you cross those red lines, the asymmetrical war can become a real war, with all the consequences that can possibly be afterwards.

And also listening to the words of doctor's Martine assertion you realize that the stakeholders of the worldview of fear and scarcity are now crossing the last and uncrossable red line.

This is provoking a massive reaction not only by the common people's side (a part of them) but also at the geopolitical level is taking place an alliance which includes Russia, Chiam, India, Brasil, etc...

At this point, the asymmetrical war of common people becomes just a component of the massive reaction to the fading NWO, which is playing their last and desperate card which seems to bring them to a likewise massive defeat. 

And that happened because they crossed the uncrossable, and now everything is possible. Masses rebellion, worldwide famine, Third Nuclear War, Apocalypse...

And this is only on the surface, beneath there is the greatest battle ever between Spiritual forces, God and Satan.


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