The recent events in Ukraine, commonly referred to as the Russian invasion, have introduced a new strategy to the ongoing asymmetric war between the elites and those who refuse to accept their fraudulent rule. The era of the bleeding-heart liberal vision is over. When dialogue is rejected and vilified, the time for peaceful protests appears to be dwindling. On an individual level, we must sharpen our refusal to comply with the irrational impositions being forced upon us.
In a little more than 20 days, we have witnessed a profound shift in the world order. A nation, denied dialogue and cooperation, has abandoned the bleeding-heart perspective.
In just twenty days, globalism has fractured, and it is now on a path of dissolution, burdened by debt, madness, and division.
The big problem of Globalism is the human factor.
The globalist human factor is, in fact, of lowest quality.
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