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The Time of the Underground Man is Over - About Alvydas Jokubaitis' Book "Political Idiot"


These brief notes are sketched after reading Alvydas Jokubaitis book "The Political Idiot".

The concept of the Dostoevsky underground man is a very relevant concept because highlights a rebellious man. And today we see how globalist forces have actually tried and are trying to push rebellious humanity into the underground. In fact, the rebellious man had no choice but to retreat to the underground to defend his values ​​in recent years.

As Jokubaitys argues: "The term underground man is a description of a person who has deliberately withdrawn from society and he opposes society. The underground man criticizes the efforts of modern politicians and political theorists to create a science-based society" (A. Jokubaitys Political Idiot. P. 64) ... "because he does not accept that who leads the society make him happy according to their conception of happiness." (Ibid. P. 65).

The underground man defends his inalienable right to truth, freedom, and happiness based on respect and love for the other, in which the same divine origin is recognized.

Our rebellious underground man, the 2021/2022 underground man, finally gets out of the underground, goes out in the sunlight and seeks freedom and wants to show that the situation is as absurd as ever in his homeland; he takes to the streets, protests and rebels; new associations are born, new political gatherings, new information; governments and politicians are accused of serving only the world's financial forces and deceiving their nations; freedom Convoy arrives ...

He is a different man, the underground man of 2022, he is no longer the one theorized by Alvydas Jokubaitis in his very interesting book. It is a liberated, awakened man who has realized his strength and resistance in the underground before coming to the light in his final resurrection...

Alvyda Jokubaitis philosopher and political scientist. Surely one of the most brilliant minds of Lithuania. He is Head of the Department of Political Philosophy and History of Ideas at the University of Vilnius.
We developed the above notes by reading his book "Politinis Idiotas", so far available only in Lithuanian, published in 2019, by Tyto alba.


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