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The Asymmetric global resistance and the many Cassandras...


In my previous post (HERE), I was talking about global asymmetrical warfare. Citizens all over the world react to the impositions of governments remotely controlled by external powers that have the economic capacity to influence the entire planet.

Developments and outcomes are difficult to predict, but from the reactions of governments, it is clear that something must be reconsidered in their (i.e. of the global financial powers) impositions, that something must be fixed, adapted, because something has evidently not reacted as they expected.

And this is probably what I call global asymmetric warfare. Those powers declared a health, media and consequently global political and police war to humanity, and the citizens, the sound part of the citizens not the hypnotized part suffering the psychosis caused by the mass formation psy-op, responded all over the world with an asymmetrical resistance (the best examples of this asymmetrical warfare are seen in Canada).

Unfortunately, it should be noted that within the asymmetric resistance there are pockets that knowingly or unconsciously adhere to the information following up the mainstream narrative and aim at demoralizing the asymmetric resistance.

I speak of the numerous Cassandras that populate the information channels (but at least Cassandra, the true one, foresaw real misfortunes even if no one believed her, these current Cassandras instead foresee only calamities regardless of their happening, therefore from my point of view they are self-referential Cassandras); I'm talking about the disinformation or information given without adequate verification, which populates above all the Telegram channels (apart from trolls, which is a completely different situation). I speak of the apathy and sloth that dominate in so many talk shows of the resistance, who in order to obtain a niche recognition, prefer information that only dilutes the official narrative, without however going into the depth so as not to compromise their acquired positions that are tolerated by the occult powers, to whom the remote control of a certain narrative, however, is in their plans .

I am also speaking of those who, however, enter into this asymmetrical resistance to re-shape certain already experimented and tested schemes whose outcome is well known and visible to all, and I am referring to the sensational examples of the Movimento 5 Stelle and the Lega of Matteo Salvini in Italy, and I quote this example because as years ago highlighted the english novelist Zadie Smith "People wrongly believe Italy to be a backward country. Actually  Italy is a vision of what’s coming.".


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