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We must exit Satan's Kingdom


These will make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb will overcome them, for He is Lord of lords and King of kings; and those who are with Him are called, chosen, and faithful.
(Revelation 17-14)

It is time to start forming a new society, that must include a parallel economy, a parallel government, parallel police and a parallel army. We must start from a post-Catholic society to build a new future Catholic society. There is an authentic core of Catholicism which is called "little remnant". Let's start from this minority because it is strong authentic and above all it preserves the image of God within. They didn't let Satan touch their God-created humanity, that they have consciously kept

We need to start this new society for when the Kyrios will come for the second time. We need to be ready for that day, we need to have prepared our stepping stone to the new society for when His enemies (our enemies) are under His feet. They are everywhere, in every major business, every governmental institution, every fabric of society.
For this reason, we cannot stay longer in this society but we need a new parallel society inspired by the Catholic values and faith in God, and we need to start building it soon. We need to unite all together and start, we cannot build anymore something in Satan's kingdom. We cannot wait any longer for responses from Satan's puppets, we cannot any longer abide in Satan's law.
We fell for the second time after Adam and Eve and this time Satan ousted humanity, he needed to repeat what God did many centuries ago.
It's time, it's time for the Revelation, it's time to distance humanity from no-humanity-at-all.

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