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The in-game Alien intelligence that wants humanity to be destroyed


γρηγορεῖτε οὖν, ὅτι οὐκ οἴδατε ποίᾳ ἡμέρᾳ ὁ κύριος ὑμῶν ἔρχεται

Vigilate ergo, quia nescitis qua hora Dominus vester venturus sit.
(Matthew 24:42)

On the top of this system (Globalism), there is an intelligence, an "Alien Intelligence" whatever THIS could be. A wicked Alien Intelligence. A pure evil intelligence, that knows how and wants our free choice, our free will, to be cut off, our God's gift and the image of God we are bearing within us.

This image of God, we bring in ourselves, is coming to be terminated by THIS intelligence. THIS intelligence wants an anti-human mankind, a post-human mankind. Humanity has to be won, humanity has to lose its supremacy as the prime understanders of the creatum.

THIS Alien evil intelligence has promised its minions Eternal Life, pleasure sex and physical sensual happiness power and richness in aeternum. For this reason, THIS Alien Intelligence and its minions are constructing a dystopia in this world, bringing the folly to reason and annihilating the reason by the folly of THEIR dystopia. And THEY use Science for this world dystopic deconstruction of the God-image in humanity. THEY use the Science in name of the Science, a tautological self-referentiality, to deconstruct the mankind and subject it to THIS Alien Intelligence.

But there are people where this image, the image of God, is so strong, so vivid that is inextricable, in them, you can terminate this image just murdering them, making martyrs of them, and this is what we call the little remnant, in the remnant, as it is said, the image of God, His Word, will be preserved

omnis, qui invocaverit nomen Domini, salvus erit,
quia in monte Sion et in Ierusalem
erit salvatio, sicut dixit Dominus,
et in residuis, quos Dominus vocaverit.

Everyone, that shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved: 
for in mount Sion, and in Jerusalem 
shall be salvation, as the Lord hath said, 
and in the remnant whom the Lord shall call.

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