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Demons Exist - Some notes on John A. Keel's Book Operation Trojan Horse



I read John A. Keel's book, OPERATION TROJAN HORSE: The Classic Breakthrough Study of UFOs, a book published in 1970.

A text all in all quite boring to read but it contains an overwhelmingly detailed examination of sightings and contacts with UFOs and demonic, angelic entities and miracles that have occurred along with the history of Christianity.

The basic thesis, which I am inclined to believe, based on everything that is happening now in the world, is that UFOs are nothing but energetic entities that come from parallel dimensions and that likely have always inhabited the earth, before man originated, as The Forgotten Books of Eden testify. And since man has existed, the primary goal of these entities is to get rid of him and dominate him.

In other words, for Keel, aliens are nothing but demons.

Obviously, in this world there are also other forces: the power of good, angels, the Madonna and her apparitions.

Certainly, for those who have not gone so far as forcibly someone like us has been forced to go, urged by the need to understand the basis of all this absurd and apparently pure madness, i.e. nonsense, which has gripped us for two years, it is almost impossible to believe. But in the last two years a great many things, that seemed impossible to believe only three years ago, have finally turned out to be true. What will then prevent us from supposing that many other facts for the time being hard to believe may be true soon?

We know now the existence of the shadow government of the 38, as the French billionaire Philippe Argillier claims, we know the dominant role of China in triggering the madness that wraps the world, but beyond all this, precisely, how to explain the persistent eerie, ghostly compulsion that wants to destroy the humanity (i.e. the image of God within man), bring it to total submission, depopulate the planet, make what is human inhuman in no other way than as the final fulfilment of what Satan wanted from the very beginning: to destroy man, because the man was under the agency of God, and from the beginning, he, the Devil, deceived him so that the man too "would fall" as he, the Devil, had fallen.

But it wasn't enough. now he wants humanity under his agency and no longer under that of God.

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