[I] Eligite vobis hodie, cui servire vultis, utrum diis, quibus servierunt patres vestri in Mesopotamia, an diis Amorraeorum, in quorum terra habitatis. Ego autem et domus mea serviemus Domino
[II] It is time for a mandatory global vaccine made with cells from aborted babies, we are entering into the time of the Apocalypse. We will be forbidden to work, to go to school, to travel and this will be the last step of Satanism.
[VI] Where there is only one official voice it is difficult to preserve our own integrity and dignity as we are continuously submitted to moral (so far) vexations. We have therefore been left with a few chances: the manu militari rebellion, if we can, or the underground exercise of our dignity being aware that martyrdom (whatever it may be) can be our final destiny.
[II] It is time for a mandatory global vaccine made with cells from aborted babies, we are entering into the time of the Apocalypse. We will be forbidden to work, to go to school, to travel and this will be the last step of Satanism.
[III] Satan and the World Government will decimate the world by forcing everyone to accept abortion through a vaccine that is not a vaccine but a bio-weapon***. It is time to resist, it is a time of martyrdom.
Are we ready for this?
[IV] We need a state of grace. We need fervently pray, we need sacraments.
[V] We need a total revendication of our dignity as human beings in the name of God. An inalienable state of self-respect that is not negotiable because we receive it from God's hands. Our mind, our flesh, our, blood, our bones, our being, our soul cry out for being preserved as they are because they have been created as they are and they have been assigned to us for the resurrection from death.
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