Are not times for Saints, now. Are not lands for Saints, today.
But once, it was time and there were lands for Saints. And many miracles could happen.
It could even happen that you, under suspicion to commit a murder, were confronted by a monk who might have sunk on his knee touching the ground with his forehead before you and begged your pardon.
An unseemly scene. Isn't it? A mummery?
What if that murder had not been committed but it might have been committed by you?
It could even happen that you, under suspicion to commit a murder, were confronted by a monk who might have sunk on his knee touching the ground with his forehead before you and begged your pardon.
An unseemly scene. Isn't it? A mummery?
What if that murder had not been committed but it might have been committed by you?
You yourself might have committed it but you didn't know, you couldn't even imagine, but that monk knew because he could foresee it. He could see what you couldn't see.
There is no explanation in it, except that that monk was a Saint. He lived under God's hand. He lived in a dimension of continuous praying which can disclose a dimension that is ungraspable for many.
And that monk could humiliate himself to the point to say you "Forgive me!"
Is that because he couldn't save you from the malign spirit that would empower you when the moment comes and you need to cancel your conscience and kill?
Was he a Saint and he couldn't save you? It almost seems a contradiction.
It isn't. Because evil exists because God let it exist. And that monk was bypassed by God's will.
And he said "Forgive me!"
But why he said this? He is a God's servant in the end. He has to obey God.
Because he is human. This is the reason. He has the same root as the other has...They belong to the same flesh and blood. He felt compassion for you because you both belong to the same race, even though his life is devoted to another world, which is not yours.
He knew that God is not going to save the entire human gender.
That is why he bowed and said "Forgive me!"
There is no explanation in it, except that that monk was a Saint. He lived under God's hand. He lived in a dimension of continuous praying which can disclose a dimension that is ungraspable for many.
And that monk could humiliate himself to the point to say you "Forgive me!"
Is that because he couldn't save you from the malign spirit that would empower you when the moment comes and you need to cancel your conscience and kill?
Was he a Saint and he couldn't save you? It almost seems a contradiction.
It isn't. Because evil exists because God let it exist. And that monk was bypassed by God's will.
And he said "Forgive me!"
But why he said this? He is a God's servant in the end. He has to obey God.
Because he is human. This is the reason. He has the same root as the other has...They belong to the same flesh and blood. He felt compassion for you because you both belong to the same race, even though his life is devoted to another world, which is not yours.
He knew that God is not going to save the entire human gender.
That is why he bowed and said "Forgive me!"
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