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What happened after Jesus Christ's death?

Et omnis, qui vivit et credit in me, non morietur in aeternum. Credis hoc?
(John 11:26)

After he cried out to the universe, there was a big earthquake.
120 tombs opened and 120 dead people resurrected. And darkness fell upon the earth. The sun disappeared, the moon vanished and the stars lost their light and the dark was horrible.
The resurrected people were healthy and sound and for 40 days and 40 nights were talking and comforting their families.
And among them, there was Saint Simeon, to whom it had been revealed by the Holy Spirit that he would not see death before he had seen Our Lord Jesus Christ. Saint Simeon, the one who circumcised Jesus. 
It was him who described to his family the way Jesus Christ visited Hell because he was in Hell.
He said: we heard three knocks. It was Our Lord. And he was knocking at the door of Hell. And He wanted the doors open for Him. Although he could, whenever he wanted, open those doors, as a Sovereign. But he was asking, nevertheless. He is Filius Hominis.
Lift up the gates, oh you rulers - He said. I am the King of Glory!

But those doors which were eternally locked remained closed. The King of Glory was there. He wanted to enter Hell. Behind those doors was left alone Lucyfer. All the other demons had deserted and left him alone.
Satan stood firm behind the heavy doors and retorted to Our Lord: Who are you, King of glory? Who are you that you call yourself King of Glory?

Our Lord kept silent.
Who are you that you call yourself King of Glory? Repeated Satan, pretending again that he didn't know who was it beyond the heavy doors.
Three times the Devil asked for the same question.
Egos sum Filius hominis, Ego sum Gloriae Filius.
At those words, the Devil was lost. The heavy doors fell off on their own and the Filius Hominis entered the kingdom of darkness and evil.
And it was light, the light of the world, the light of Our Creator. It was a joy for those, who were expecting him in Hell, eternally burning and consuming. Among them, there was Saint John, the Forerunner, who prophesied the Messiah with the words "Rejoice the Messiah has come!" He was the one who baptised the Messiah, Filius Hominis. 
And there was our Saint Simeon the one who circumcised the Messiah, Filius Hominis. And they had waited for Him who came and saved them from the darkness of Hell.
The voice of God was heard, and light shined more than the light of the sun. Hell was filled with light, joy, hope and the voice of God summoned up oi protoplastoi, the-first-moulded-beings.
And oi protoplastoi rushed to Him, and the prophets rushed to him, and Saint John the Forerunner rushed to Him and Saint Simeon the Circumcisor rushed to him and the Ascension started.
Christ said: All who believe in me come near to me I'll take you all to Heaven.
Some of them were left behind, as they were sons of Satan, unworthy of repentance and God did not illuminate them any longer. And they fell down again in Hell where darkness, the enemy of God, was in power again like living matter - but most of the damned souls, 5000 years that they had been gathering in Hell, believed in God.
Billion of angelic ranks floated around and cleansed the saved souls with the blood that Christ shed on the holy cross. One drop of His holy blood was enough to cleanse the souls who had been imprisoned for 5000 years in Hell. And the souls felt overjoyed and freed from darkness and Hell while ascending to Heaven.
Many times told this Saint Simeon to his family, with whom, after being resurrected, spent 40 days and 40 nights.
And the same story was told and told by the rest, 119 souls who repeated the same words to their families upon the earth. And they were joyful while narrating the triumph of the resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ, Filius Hominis.

We lived with the Son of God, we saw Him, we heard Him, we ate with Him
we cannot deny what we saw and heard
He is the Son of God
and those who have believed in God
are superior to the world and have beaten the world
because they are the children of God
they will be persecuted because of Him
but not a hair of their head shall be lost.
And He saved them and taken them to Heaven with Himself
and they will rejoice for centuries of centuries
and no second death will overcome them

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