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The world called Italy

A diebus autem Ioannis Baptistae usque nunc regnum caelorum vim patitur, et violenti rapiunt illud
(Matteo 11,12)

I am unsure how to call it, but there is in this world called Italy a heart which is not a heart, but a spineless heart, a heart which is not used to suffer and deprive itself to gain vigour and strength but it is in any and single situation oriented to continuously please itself. A heart that is incapable to express bravery and heroism because is grounded on a natural split between feeble and flaccid vigour.
Years ago I supported a theory: what you eat decides what you are.
Italians are autoreferenziali, self-referential, because they eat food whose quality is uncomparable, without confrontation. That drew them to be self-referential, arrogant, selfish, materialistic. They made a religion of the quality, of their arrogance.
They lost themselves in this autoreferenzialità, they became shortsighted. They started living just for their selfish ego. They went completely lost in their ego made out of pleasure derived from a devilish search for quality that generated an unlimited desire for pleasure. And pleasure became their unique goal in life.
A human being is a myriad of conflicting elements within himself, swarming inside and outside begging to be released to be alive. Conflict is the real nature of a human being.
But the Italian species has not let them go but has suppressed instead, suffocated every instinct to conflict, every single conflicting element and left one, which prevailed because it was (is) daily assimilated, selected by the nature of their diet. The Quality that births pleasure. And they became pleasurist (spasmodically thrilled by the search of pleasure) and quietist, like crocodiles after eating. And the rigorous Catholic religion has degenerated and has conformed to the new religion of pleasure and quietism and has forgotten that the kingdom of heaven is taken by force.
Italians are quietist people and as quietist people do not pray, do not fast: quietist people decline suffering, pain, death and human nature.
They live in a corner. In the corner of pleasure forever-lulling into an autoreferenziale quest for pleasure. And that corner is all, all they want and hope for.

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