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Hatred without borders (intruding and altering an actor performance)


At videns Iesus, indigne tulit et ait illis: “ Sinite parvulos venire ad me. Ne prohibueritis eos; talium est enim regnum Dei.
Amen dico vobis: Quisquis non receperit regnum Dei velut parvulus, non intrabit in illud ”. Et complexans eos benedicebat imponens manus super illos.

I bambini sono il nostro finale obiettivo, Belpene.
There is in this world unnatural hatred and doggedness against children. But who benefits from all this?
Kids are a blessing for the soul. Kids are the most disruptive weaponry humanity can count on. But I truly tell you, we are living in times where humanity has to be destroyed. A new unknown humanity is meant to replace the humanity we knew so far and we lived in. Those who want this to happen hate Christ, hate the Catholic Church and they are replacing it with a new Universal Church, a Church that no longer belongs to Christ. And kids are a blessing, kids can heal and repair humanity, they are the antibodies of humanity. Kids are the Old Firm Catholic Church, where courage bravery and martyrdom housed the Man who has come to witness His father.
Who, then, Belpene, benefits from all this? The Evil. Us, Belpene, because We are the Evil, We are pure Evil. But are we independent, autonomous in our action to suppress humanity?

Tell me, Master? Are we? Said eagerly Belpene.

I truly tell you, we are not. It is the Good, it is God, that permits the existence of Evil. Evil is the goad that makes humanity evolve. And we are that goad.
I bambini evolvono, evolvono più rapidamente. Troppo rapidamente, Per questo sono pericolosi. Gli adulti non devono imparare da loro. I bambini vanno soppressi. They can shorten our existence. We have to delay their power, la loro capacità di equilibrare il mondo. Ne va di noi stessi.

Now he was embodying himself, Sire, the Master of the demons.

Io ho cambiato molte volte l'umanità, Belpene.

How, Master? asked Belpene.

Beginning from the children, Belpene. I bambini sono il pernio dell'uomo.

How, Master? Retorted Belpene.

Brushing away that look of despair from the children's face, that they had once. A child without despair was almost inconceivable once. A happy child, without suffering, will be a spoiled adult one day. He will be a selfish old man, at the end of his life, who will suck away energy from youth to nurture his dilapidated existence. That has been my masterpiece, Belpene. I still remember little creatures, who beat their little tormented breast with their tiny fists as a vile place, in the dark and the cold, and wept their sanguine meek, unresentful tears invoking the dear, kind God to protect them. Conosci un bambino così oggi, Belpene, nei ricchi paesi del Vecchio Continente?

Master, no. No, Master. You are a genius. Master! Exulted Belpene.

A supercilious and condescending smile played on the lips of Sire, The Master of Demons.
And he was bitterly aware of it.

Here the video of Antonio Bilo Canela masterpiece performance we intruded and altered.

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