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The Plague We Live(d) In - Incipit


There is a creative and loving force inside most of us that guides us through life.
These people don’t have this. For them it’s the opposite.
(Mel Gibson)

In those Days 

I had to find a religion to measure my evil against. Evil has already gotten a strong tinge of cruelty. God was dead, Church was dead. The major part of us was so frail in front of such a fraud.
I used to write science-fiction novels, but I stopped in those days. Reality was more interesting than science-fiction.

I couldn’t write a book anymore. I did not know how to plot a story, any longer. I was quiet, too quiet. I was thrilled, too thrilled. I was in a quagmire. I was dying in it.
I was pervasive. I was everywhere. Was I alive? I thought so. I was not dead, ergo I was alive. That was the masterpiece of my life... A masterpiece of resonance.
I was going around on a new battlefield. A Purgatory which was worse than the Hell. But it was bliss in the end. It was bliss even though I didn't believe in Heaven.

What times were we living? Were those, the times of a New Church, of a New Order? Were those times those of Satan? Everywhere I saw symbols of Satan. We were surrounded by Satan and Satanists. Where was the Pope? Where was the Protector of Christianity? God was dead, Church was dead, there was no Pope. In the Vatican was now sitting a traitor, an apostate, an Antichrist.  A Satan emanation. A hologram.
Hell was empty all the devils were there. The children of darkness had decided to show their cards and an infernal deception would be revealed.
We were living in a regime, an ancient regime. It was clear. THEY have stopped lying. THEY have started to show their real face, THEIR real goals.

We were living in the middle of one of the biggest conspiracies that have ever been perpetrated on humanity.
THEY came from the Babylon times; THEY were called the Structure THAT rule the world.

It had started many centuries before Babylon, when aliens came from other planets and created an engineered race of slaves. US, almost eight billion humans, for the most part intellectually little more than animals, who get up every day and need to satisfy bodily stimuli, bring the hand to the mouth and give peace to the body orifices that demand nourishment and pleasure with fierce fury. This past is coming toward us out of the depths of time, but it impedes us to fall back, back through ages that don’t want to speak to us the truth.

But I could not say this. Censorship was watching us. As I watched her sleeping. We were sleeping animals. We slept the sleep they wanted us to sleep. They don't want us to awake from this spell. As I didn't want her to awake. She was so perfectly beautiful while sleeping.

We are so perfectly beautiful until we are a perfect example of domestication.

I now close my eyes and see how we were before the nightmare fell down on us. When the mornings sounded like mornings and the nights brought the rest we needed.


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