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I love you. She said

They are going to shoot him tomorrow.
Is it the guy we sheltered some days ago?
It is not likely.
Thank God. 
It will be good to be back home. I sometimes wonder...I cannot die in this place.
Of course not.
Well, many do.
Yes, they do,
Yes, I promised them.
Yes, it is your promise.
Is the beginning of a revolution?
Who knows.
My poor head.
What will you do?
I'll take the medicine.
It is not good for your stomach.
I know but I cannot live like this...Do you think people are not awakening?
Not many, Just some. Maybe 3%.
Do you think?
But why?
People are stupid. The major part of them is born stupid. many geniuses we have in the world?
So... is inherent to the human race to be stupid. Do you mean this? 
Yes. I mean that. 

We sat in silence for a long while, as the pale morning sun climbed outside and the room got stiflingly cold.
Esi susikaupęs?
I was just thinking of that man A queer fellow. I wonder if it's him.
But you said he is not?
I am not sure, to be honest. You don't need to be afraid. He is a strong man, anyway. He was a General of the Carabinieri. He knows how to die.
So, it's him...
Yes, it is him.
You lied.
Yes. I lied.
I Love you. I don't want you to suffer.

I imagined him in a sodden morning of the rains. A sickly light was slanting over the high walls into the jail yard. I saw him walking clumsily with bound harms and ankles, but steadily at the same time. Almost disdainful. I imagined him to step aside to avoid a puddle on the path towards the wall that was waiting for him. Among those morbid and vivid images, I realized what it means to destroy a fiery, healthy and conscious man. I saw the mystery, the unspeakable injustice of cutting a life short when it is in full tide.
He was still alive, not dying, just as we are all alive, belonging to the same humanity as I and her we were part of, walking all together, seeing, hearing, feeling, understanding the same world in almost the same way, and in two minutes one of us would be gone forever from the surface of life. 
This THEY wanted. Many of us, millions of us gone forever.

 A horrid fascination kept me by the window now: I was watching something I had never seen. I saw millions of galaxies turning around at the same speed. I saw the heart of the earth. I saw the people of this earth like billion of cells of a cosmic body. I saw the truth, a black mass coming from the future. And it was dark. In the darkness, I heard the music of the universe coming down with the snow swirling beyond the window overlooking Gedimino Prospektas. I saw the white of the cathedral at the end of the avenue like a signal in a suspended time.
I shuddered, when her warm hand, netyčia, touched my shoulder.
I love you. She said.


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