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David Icke an explanation for the coronavirus

For thirty years I have been warning people in my books and in every other way I can, that this world is controlled by a cult. It is a cult that has no borders and operates in all at least major countries, in fact in all the countries in the end. Particularly in those countries where dictates the direction of the world. So the cult will be at the core of the system in China, it will be at the core of the system in America etc. etc. etc...So, what I have said in these thirty years?
I said that this cult wants to create a beyond Orwellian global State, in which a tiny few people dictate to everyone else. I've referred to this as the Hunger Games Society, and you can picture the structure very clearly. Picture the pyramid. At the top of the pyramid, you've got a tiny few enormous wealthy people that are actually connected to this cult. We now have a name for them, we call them the 1%. At the bottom of this pyramid in the Hunger Game Society is basically the rest of humanity that is dependent upon the 1%. In between the two is a vicious merciless Police-Military-State to impose the will of the 1% on the population and to prevent the population challenging the 1%.
This Hunger Game Society is not classic Fascism, is not classic Communism, although the outcome in terms of tyranny is the same: it is a technocracy. A technocracy is defined as a society that is controlled by bureaucrats, experts, scientists, engineers, technocrats and the ability of that situation to happen is through smart technology and AI. The idea is that everything will be connected to AI. And this is what the Internet of Things is all about.
If you listen to the crazies of Silicon Valley they are telling you that in the period around 2030, a year that keeps coming up from all directions, we will have a situation where the human brain will start to be connected to AI. Thus, whoever controls AI will be connecting and driving the perception of the humanity and that can be done from a central point through this smart grid, global smart grid. So, that's the structure that they want. They also want a society completely cashless, where everything is digital money. A single world currency will be run through this smart grid.
In the same thirty years, I've been saying there are two major techniques that are being used to bring about that situation. One I've caught is the 1990 problem reaction solution where you covertly create a problem you use the unquestioning pathetic mainstream media to tell the public the version of the problem you want them to believe. If you looking at the stage two the reaction for fear that's the currency of control outrage whatever the problem is. And either the demand from the public that something must be done or at least an acceptance from the public that things need to change because of the problem. At that point, those who've created the problem got that reaction openly in changes in society offer the solution to the problem they have themselves covertly created and those changes step by step take us further and further to that Hunger Games Society.
There is another version which I call no problem reaction solution, where you don-t need a real problem, you just need the perception of one, weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, and you still have the ability to provide your society changing solution. The stablemate problem reaction solution is what I call the Totalitarian tip tell where if you go in too big a leap people will look up from the game show and say "what's going on? what's going on?...", because the change is so great. So you do it in as bigger steps as you can towards your outcome but not so fast or big that you alert too many to the fact that is a pattern. What you want people to believe is everything is random. I have this other phrase which relates to all this "Know the outcome and you'll see the journey". If you don't know where this world is taken by this cult then everything seems random. Coronavirus is random, Climate change is random, economic crash is random. But when you know where we're being taken you know the outcome. This Hunger Games Structure Society, now the apparently random events become clear stepping stones to that outcome, Let's take all that and apply it to the coronavirus and what's happening now and let people decide themselves if they think that the fact that coronavirus hysteria ticks every single box of that outcome, whether that's a coincidence. I absolutely do not believe that it is. The fact is whether the coronavirus was created or whether it wasn't, doesn't matter to the fact that once you role this out it takes a momentum of its own and therefore what is unfolding was desperately predictable and in fact the massive 1% organizations, six weeks before the virus came to light in China
were playing scenarios and simulations based on exactly the scenario that's unfolding now and what they said would happen is exactly what is happening down to the fine details

The text has been taken from the David Icke interview "The truth behind the coronavirus pandemic: Covid-19 lockdown and the economic crash"


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