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Why This hatred? - Part Two

"They won't stop. Why won't they stop? It's not the old hegemonies (but it's always the old pursuit of hegemony.) People have to deal with elites who have no empathy ... they are inhuman, this is the point: peoples are dealing with inhuman elites, that's the point!"(Glauco Benigni, journalist and writer)

"The entire information system is now into the hands of the enemy ... the enemy operates through the media"(Giulietto Chiesa, journalist)

Without this vision, this line of reality, that starts from Babylon and before Babylon (450,000 years ago when the Anunnaki are said to have arrived) many things will miss the point and will remain incomprehensible. Obscure.
Without this line of reality, it is impossible to understand the hatred between financial elites and populace. We won't comprehend the real meaning (and necessity) of secrets societies (masonry, above all), of religions - of the never ceasing fight between gnosis (masonry, particularly) and religions, religion against gnosis; and why the so-called divide et impera technique it is so widespread inside the deep powers. Mass migration, neither. Wars. Deep State. And why the European Union proposes a structure that repeats The Holy Roman Empire's structure? Why in the end everything has been created to divide and to rise hatred? You can understand that all this happened because from the very beginning the "Anunnaki created a secret society called the Brotherhood of the Snake and this has been used to manipulate humanity [...] This Brotherhood of the Snake is the core centre of today’s global secret society network which is controlled by the reptilians."(David Icke, The biggest secret).

In Italy, we have a valid independent scholar of religious studies. He is particularly devoted to interpreting the Ancient Testament. He developed a simple but excellent method to solve unsolved problems. He defined this method "let's pretend that". By that, he means that we must assume (follow and interpret) as true what the biblical texts literally tell us.
Following this method and collaborating with other scholars, he reached the conclusion that humankind was created by an external intervention within laboratories and not by the evolutionary process, in the Darwinian sense. Surely Biglino echoed the same criteria that Sir Fred Hoyle thought were necessary to solve unsolved problems: "As a general rule, solutions to major unsolved problems had to be sought by exploring radical hypotheses, whilst at the same time not deviating from well-attested scientific tools and methods. For if such solutions did indeed lie in the realms of orthodox theory upon which everyone agreed, they would either have been discovered already, or they would be trivial."
There are a surprising coincidence and complementarity with Hoyle's and Icke's words. 
"The phenomenon of intelligence is an outcome of aggressive competition. Intelligence and aggressiveness are coupled together inevitably from their biological association. An intelligent animal anywhere in the galaxy must necessarily be an aggressive animal and must necessarily become faced at some stage by the same kind of social situation as that which now confronts the human species. INEVITABLY THEN INTELLIGENCE CONTAINS WITHIN ITSELF THE SEEDS OF ITS OWN DESTRUCTION [...]" (Hoyle, The emergence of Life and Intelligence, video YouTube).
°As is well acknowledged, there is an area of the human brain to this day known as the reptile brain. Within the brain is the original segment to which all other parts are additions. And, according to the neuroanatomist, Paul MacLean, this ancient area of the brain is driven by another prehistoric segment which some neuroanatomists call the R-complex. R is short for reptilian because we share this with reptiles. MacLean says that this R-complex plays an important role in aggressive behaviour, territoriality, ritualism and establishment of social hierarchies” (Icke, The biggest secret).

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