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Memoires of a Martial Artist - Domestication

Was that drive the power sleeping in every individual? It must surely have been a drive that started from very far. It should have begun many centuries before, until that sense of what's beyond the initial singularity of human consciousness had entirely lost its identity . But like a dream it still hovered inside and out and didn’t retreat though, even in the daylight.
Gal vien sapnavau nesveikią sapną, mačiau jame kažką negera ir pavadinau tatai “it”, maybe I merely dreamed a sick dream, saw something unhealthy in it, and named “it” Ričardas Gavelis would say. 

The singurality of human consciousness was that historical era when men still lived with gods, when men used to talk and eat with them, make arrangements with them, and serve them; but also when men learned how to use them, how to behave with them, and how to betray them, how to follow and abandon them…and this led the mankind to lose the direct contact with what was initially build with gods, and because of this gods ousted mankind from their gardens… Who doesn’ remember the so called “Golden Age”? When Gods used to live amog us… the era spoken of by Hesiod, Plato, and Ovid…
And Genesis (2.2) literally tells us that after having created man the Elohìm rested from all his work. Wasn't this exactly the purpose of the ANUNNAKI?.
Yes, it was. They produced the mankind because they needed a class of workers for mining gold in Africa, for this reason they engineered beings just intelligent enough as to understand their creators needs and commands.
And the Gods after begetting it rested. They thought to finally have at their disposal an obedient class of though workers but after a while they realized how impossible was it to manage. The mankind was aware of their new power but they weren't sure yet how to use it, what to do with it and how much they even want it. They were not obedient but unreliable, problematic, selfish and suspicious.
For all these reasons the Gods became ruthless with the human kind.
And the Human Singularity started. An ergative Singularity took place.

To get the place of the conference I had to walk wrapped in a long coat and scarf because of the temperature and keep alerted my attention on where I had to put the feet along the sidewalk. The ice was insidious. It was easy to slip and end up lying on the ground, with the risk of breaking a leg or an arm. I was so absorbed in this exercise that I didn’t register the sounds of the darkening city around me. The whirring of the electric trolleybus running on the overhead wires, the cracking of ice under the cars tires, the bitterness of diesel fumes, the frozen gusts of a polar wind blowing against my face.

Two hours before I had been to a Tai Chi class of The Master. His classes were attracting a lot of of girls. Lately his classes had become a combination of spiritual glamour and frivolous glamour. In the last months he had been seen many times on the national Lithuanian TV in several talk shows. He had been interviewed by the most important Lithuanian magazines, which turned him into a fairly well known personage in Lithuania.

But The Master had changed. He was now very vulnerable to female beauty. He was defenseless against it.

He had lost his sense of calm trust in the fate of his mission, in the quiet submission to his stoic composure in the face of danger and in a certain disdain of wordly life.

He now appreciated the wordly life. He loved that kind of life.

What is an ergative Singularity? In grammar an ergative verb is a verb where the object of the verb can also be the subject of the verb.

Dave close the shop
The shop was closed

We fried an egg
The egg fried for 8 minutes
The egg was fried

An ergative Singularity is therefore the crossroads where creatures can be object and subject of themselves at the same time, like the “shop” and the “egg” in the examples above.
For this reason I can say that mankind pertains to an Ergative Singularity.
I talked to The Master about his change.
His answer was quite curious.

- A man who has read a little smells a little pedantic , a man who has read a lot smells even worse.

He realized my blank expression, for he added.

- An intellectual is like a machine. I now consider intellect less important than emotion. I now and finally experiment emotions. Ethical emotions.

Well, was he experimenting ethical emotions? That was the way he called them?

And quite surprisingly he added:

- Without bones the head cannot rest on the top of the spine, nor hands move, nor feet stands, so how can a man be a man without real emotions in his frame?

I was lost, I surrendered to his logics, to his verlorenen Mind.

What about mind? What about consciousness? Verloren, völlig verloren.

Mind is labyrinth.
Mind is convolution around itself, around what thinks to think but doesn’t know how to think.
Mind goes along spiral meanders, such as we can see in the drawn Etruscan truia in the Tragliatella vase, denoting the sinuosity and fertility of the bowels of the womb.
Craziness is the sinuosity and fertility of Mind that seeks the individual rebellion against the domestication of Mind and the impossibility to escape the domestication, which was genetically induced in the golden Age.

Said again professor Najafi.
I checked my watch: it was 7:30pm.


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