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Feelings are not decisions of a mind (From "The Smiling Harlot")

Foto Artur Politov

Feelings are not decisions of a mind.
What comes up frequently is a state of circumstances. We call it mood. And it is changing in the same way our feelings are changing.
In our feelings there is nothing that can be bound to a value, to a logical thought. Feelings are born in the inner state of our body, in the guts of our bowels, from chemical and bacterial compositions and decompositions. Therefore sentiments are blind, since they are generated by the obscure regions of our intestines, by invisible and inscrutable reasons above all.
After the divine mystery the intestines are one of the deepest mysteries.

Some years ago I wrote a short story where a man's burp changed the direction of his life. That burp unblocked him and opened him up to a new direction, to the Evil that was smoldering, completely hidden, in his bowels.
Often these sentiments announce the struggle of inner bacterial forces.
Externally ingested substances can alter the perception of mood (i.e. sentiments). Alcohol can be a perfect example of how such agents can modify mood and depression. Drugs. Medicines. They can all manipulate the perception and capacity of a body.
Those demons live in our bowels, as the Renaissance literature believed, but for modern humanity, they are nothing other than bacterial, hormonal, cellular mutations, that enter-tain a body (in a certain state of feeling). Neoplatonic philosophers believed that this can happen because of food contamination that lets demons in and lets them take possession of our bodies.
Evil treacherous and deceitful people exist indeed. Their status of negativity is bound to a way of structuring their lives that has led them to live according to a persistent horizon of deterioration bred by their neuro-gastric receptors.

These negative people are operating as malae naturae cooperatores, they shape their own perverted nature.
Generally, these individuals are imbued with a basic cultural structure. With little reading. With poor ideals. They live like animals undergoing their uterine or phallic instincts, i.e. the lower abdomen will. There is a lack of “ligatures," to use ​​Giordano Bruno's metaphor, that can tie their animal will to the highest human values ​(which nevertheless will be disclaimed a priori): to the magical and therapeutic aspects of Beauty. Cultivating Beauty in itself will calm the inner demons. It will harness them and tame them.

Through a permanent education to Beauty even the feelings most darkly rooted in the intestine will become "ligated" (connected) to a permanent state of light.

Princas Vilnuje
Fabrizio Ulivieri


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