Non dà l'un porco a l'altro porco doglia, l'un cervo a l'altro; solamente l'uomo l'altro uom amazza, crocifigge e spoglia (Machiavelli, L'Asino) One day of my life not far from the year that changed the world throwing it in a complete folly I probably had a premonition. A crazy idea surged ahead of my mind, to link Dostoevsky to David Icke. Was it possible? I wanted to connect the ruthless search for the inner madness of man to the madness of human existence lived inside a hetero-directed society lead by occult forces. Was it possible? as Camus says Dostoevsky 's characters do not fear the ridiculous [1] and cruelly question themselves and live in a madness that leads them to social ridicule. Didn't David Icke benefit of the social ridicule from a society directed by invisible powers because of his way of living and thinking? I didn’ t know if The Anunnaki were Reptilians, as Icke maintained, or not. I knew that there was a gap, a fracture be...
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