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Showing posts from April, 2020

La dittatura mediatica dei creatori di fake news

Who really is Bill Gates. Is he as David Icke says probably "one of the world's most sinister people in the world"?

Covid 19 and Lockdown - the Big Fraud - Dr. Sherri Tenpenny Reveals

The end of our Humanity - The Big Lie

It is a big lie. You don't need to be too smart to sense it. Turn off the TV, stop reading the mainstream newspapers, dig a little bit under the surface and inevitably/subsequentially you start smelling the smoke of the smoking gun. Too many things appear to be different from the way you are told they are. Told you every moment of your day. Masks? They won't protect you Covid19? It probably never existed They treat you in the right way in hospitals? Overcrowded hospitals in Italy? 1) 2) Lockdown for everyone? 1) 2) There is any connection wit...