The mass exists and is shapeless and is damned until the individual distinguishes himself from the mass and emerges from it (universa ista massa merito damnata est – Sant'Agostino epistula 194). It is useless to sanctify the mass as if it is a custodian of who-knows-what- morality of perfection. The mass is made up of individuals. The individuals are faced with choices. Based on their choices they can obtain the path to truth and salvation or condemn themselves to live indistinctly among the dark matter of the mass. In the im-becill-ity of the mass. That is, they walk in the saeculum without (in-) the support (baculum) of the light of truth, of the grace that leads to the truth.
The mass exists and is shapeless and is damned until the individual distinguishes himself from the mass and emerges from it (universa ista massa merito damnata est – Sant'Agostino epistula 194). It is useless to sanctify the mass as if it is a custodian of who-knows-what- morality of perfection. The mass is made up of individuals. The individuals are faced with choices. Based on their choices they can obtain the path to truth and salvation or condemn themselves to live indistinctly among the dark matter of the mass. In the im-becill-ity of the mass. That is, they walk in the saeculum without (in-) the support (baculum) of the light of truth, of the grace that leads to the truth.
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