Sunday 29 September 2019

Passing by

At many things we feel awe but at nothing more than at man 
(Antigone – Sophocles) 

It is usually said you must never start a book like this: One morning I woke up, I was tired, I was discontented of my life, I was sad and depressed...
But one morning I woke up, I was tired, I was discontented of my life, I was sad and depressed...
And I knew why. I was stuck in a nowhere zone, buried by the impossibility to find the right story to write.
I was writing two books at that time. One was about a young idealist who took part in the Italian Risorgimento. I got my inspiration from Ippolito Nievo and his last day of life. I wanted this story hinged on his last trip from Palermo to Napoli. Everything had to happen on board of the steamer Ercole, before the shipwreck. I wanted to use the techniques of flashback and foreshadowing to recollect all the story of Nievo, from the day he was disembarked from one vessel in the port of Marsala with a thousand of other red shirts to that last day of his life. I wanted to show the failure of his ideals which brought him to Sicily with Garibaldi. I wanted to show the disillusion for having believed in a country that there wasn’t and there would never be.
The other book was about a martial artist who lived in Vilnius and meets love in this city and a descendant of the Reptilian bloodline, as well. Because of this second book, I fell in a new field that forced me in exhausting readings.
I came across David Icke a theorist of the Reptilian race. I started reading his book The Biggest Secret. A kind of Bible about the Reptilians race. Too much information, too much of everything. It was misleading. And reading it exhausted me... I suffered. I didn’t want to suffer. My life was sufferance.

I thought that Nievo too had that kind of sufferance, the same I had. Which was impossible to define.
I felt without parachute. I was falling without protection. All my life has changed and I have changed following my life.
The cells of my body had died billions and billions of times and billions and billions of times had reborn.
Everything had passed by.
Except Me.
How many billions of Me, I had been before this Me.
Who was I?
I didn’t find an answer. I couldn’t find it. There was no answer.
I had lost my identity.
I knew for sure that I was a new Me. A new reborn Me structured by a new life in Vilnius. New signals, new odours, new tastes and flavours…new information coming from this new environment was modifying my behaviour. My Me.

And I thought of Nievo. I thought he had my same discontent. A discontent caused by his job of intendente di finanza, discontent for Sicily and Sicilians. Discontent for ideals he felt betrayed by a new State, which seemed less free than the many before the Unification.

I had lost two daughters. Like dead. But they were alive. Just like.
Sara stopped talking to me two years ago. Cassia is gradually ceasing to talk to me. She doesn't write to me anymore, she doesn't call me anymore. Perhaps Sara is influencing her decisions.
I am sad. I thought I have been a good father. I loved them with all my heart. And yet ... it wasn't enough.
But what is my fault?
I have sought a new life, in another country, with a woman I love.
Is this my fault?
It must be.

For the first time in my life, I was compelled by an urgent need to write a complete autobiographical story. I need to discharge all my sufferance.
I had pushed away too far the essence of my life and ended up in heartless stories, without passion. Without the warmth taken from real life.
I had to touch a life dissimilar to the life painted by Icke in his books, I needed the unreal life of the everyday routine. I needed the warm and flux, I needed the ignorance and the thoughtlessness, the animality and the domestication that can satiate your pain, that gives you the message that you live like every other in this life.
I was tired of being on the verge of another world.
Foscolo's words came to mind "O my Lorenzo! I don't have the peace I hoped for from solitude”.

Tuesday 24 September 2019

About a famous maxim attributed to Massimo D'Azeglio

The famous sentence associated with Massimo D’Azeglio “We have made Italy; now we must make Italians”, leaves no hope of achieving its goal, given the current situation;
because since then nothing has changed.
Since everything is energy, interaction of magnetic vibrational fields we should change the magnetism in order to change the nature of the energy field that resides in the “Italianity”.
If we could change the energy field of this “Italianity” we could change the nature of mental, emotional, spiritual and physical life, all of which are energy in different forms.
In the current state of things I see no other possibility to change such a flock (Italian people)

Il carattere italiano e "i proto hic"

Nel porsi il problema del carattere degli italiani credo che il primo e fondamentale quesito sia: in quale mondo vivono?
La storia dell’Italia moderna si caratterizza per la mancanza di un “hic”, su cui si focalizzano le categorie del pensiero.

Esistono invece tanti “hic” nei quali le categorie di un pensiero si focalizzano.
Queste categorie o partono dall’interiorità o si costruiscono dall’esteriorità.
Noi propenderemmo per la seconda prospettiva. La categoria non è all’interiorità dell’uomo italiano ma gli appartiene in quanto la individua all’esterno di uno dei tanti “hic”
L’uomo italico non è certamente un uomo kantiano e nemmeno cartesiano. E’ piuttosto un uomo fenomenologico.
L’uomo italiano vive progettato verso l’esterno ed composto dagli strati dei “hic”.

Individuiamo due “hic” di partenza, uno dell’Italia pre-unitaria e uno dell’Italia quasi-unitaria.

Machiavelli e Guicciardini – “i proto-hic”

Da una parte abbiamo uno schema generato dal pensiero del Guicciardini in cui l’uomo si rifugia nel “particulare”, nel proprio tornaconto personale o del proprio clan familiare o comunque nel proprio mondo davanti alla coscienza che la realtà è immutabile nella sua imprevedibilità e impossibile da cambiare; dall’altra abbiamo lo schema machiavelliano dell’adattamento alla situazione e perfino della simulazione al solo scopo di raggiungere i propri fini, in entrambi è la realtà (effettuale) a dettare le ragioni all’uomo, a imporgli le proprie categorie, ma i modi di adattarvisi sono uno passivo (temporeggiatore) ed uno attivo (subdolo, machiavellico)

Liborio Romano – l’inventore della legge fisica del trasformismo 
“Meglio, in politica, aver rappresentato venti bandiere che nessuna: parecchi grandi uomini sono passati da una ad un’altra bandiera, e il mondo non si è trovato di ciò troppo male (Benedetto Croce)
Benedetto Croce ha ripetuto ciò che Romano Liborio aveva codificato: il trasformismo. Lo ha reso prassi e legge fisica fondamentale della politica italiana.
Per chi non sapesse chi era questo Carneade, riferiamo che incomincia la sua carriera in una setta carbonara e la prosegue da ministro di Polizia del re Borbone mentre si mantiene in contatto con Cavour, tradisce Cavour e si schiera con Garibaldi. Garibaldi lo farà ministro, Cavour lo escluderà da ogni carica.
Un uomo di forte personalità e intelligenza che vive costantemente in più stati contemporaneamente. A causa forse della sua estrema intelligenza tattica egli sa anticipare un nuovo stato rispetto a quello che aveva già occupato per cui chi vi si relaziona non ne coglierà mai la posizione in atto. Ma alla fine questa sua continua sovrapposizione di stati lo farà collassare e sarà emarginato dalla vita politica.
L'accusa più grave che generalmente gli si muove è quella di aver costituito una speciale forza dell'ordine composta di camorristi. Di essersi connesso con la camorra e di averne favorito il passaggio da illegale a legale. Di aver costruito la prima ufficiale (ma già Garibaldi in Sicilia lo aveva ufficiosamente anticipato) collusione fra stato e mafia facendo entrare nella forza di ordine pubblico Salvatore De Crescenzo (Tore 'e Criscienzo) capo camorrista e di conseguenza la camorra napoletana.
Liborio Romano non fa che esplicitare una forma implicita di collaborazione che nelle carceri borboniche del dopo i moti del 1848 aveva forgiato una prima connessione, fra camorristi e uomini politici liberali che si opponevano ai Borboni. Molti avvocati, professori, nobili, in contrasto con la dinastia dei Borboni erano finiti in carcere e si erano incontrati con i camorristi e ne era nata una certa intesa, sotto forma di rispetto e di conoscenza.
Quindi l'idea di Liborio aveva già una lunghezza d'onda che si estendeva a tutto l'ambiente liberale e che tendeva "a priori" ad un ordine di coesione fra camorra e stato.

Vi è anche una data che fissa quella legge fisica: 3 luglio 1860

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Sunday 22 September 2019

The Powell Memo: A Call-to-Arms for Neoliberalism (publishing and censorship)

From this document, we quote this section (Books, Paperbacks and Pamphlets) where it is evident how as from the very beginning of the Seventies there has been a Will to keep low (extremely low) the brain activity of human intelligence in the publishing sector, by manipulating the quality of the publications.

The first essential is to establish the staffs of eminent scholars, writers and speakers, who will do the thinking, the analysis, the writing and the speaking. It will also be essential to have staff personnel who are thoroughly familiar with the media, and how most effectively to communicate with the public [...]
The news stands — at airports, drugstores, and elsewhere — are filled with paperbacks and pamphlets advocating everything from revolution to erotic free love. One finds almost no attractive, well-written paperbacks or pamphlets on “our side.” It will be difficult to compete with an Eldridge Cleaver or even a Charles Reich for reader attention, but unless the effort is made — on a large enough scale and with appropriate imagination to assure some success — this opportunity for educating the public will be irretrievably lost.

(From Lewis Power “Confidential Memorandum: Attack on American Free Enterprise System” )
Photo via Wikipedia

The Italian way to Gnosticism

Italians have the belly as the centre of their world, inside. Outside, they have the sun.
They often say – non c’è rimasto altro (there is nothing else left). And with this, they think of the fact that their history deprived them of even the hope to change. What is left, then? Food and sun.
They have bottomless bellies. They eat a lot (and shit a lot, probably) because they constantly need to fill their intestine to the brim. They are empty. Empty of hope and short of ideas.

Mes, italai, nuolat kalbame apie tai,
Ką valgėme vakar,
Ką valgome dabar,
Ką valgysime rytoj[1]

Said a famous Italian restaurateur who managed two Italian restaurants in Vilnius.
In fact, in Italy, restaurants are always full of people. Bar and supermarkets are hyper-crowed. Conversation themes are soccer and food. Two gnostic epiphenomena of a new kind of Religion. All in all, Catholicism is a religion completely imbued of gnosis and globalism (above all now with the current Pope), it is therefore not difficult to shift from a Gnosticism to another Gnosticism.

[1] We Italians are constantly talking about
What we ate yesterday,
What we eat now,
What we will eat tomorrow

To be continued...(perhaps)

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Il principio di autorità

Basta parlare in nome del popolo!

Friday 20 September 2019

What "Love, šaltibarščiai and red tomatoes" is about? - Apie ką kalbama knygoje „Meilė, šaltibarščiai ir raudoni pomidorai“? - Di che parla "Amore, šaltibarščiai e pomodori rossi"?

Austeja è una ragazza lituana e vive la sua storia d'amore, ambientata nella capitale Vilnius dopo l'indipendenza raggiunta nel 1990. Parla italiano e ama l’Italia. Vive in Lituania e cerca la felicità attraverso l’amore con l’Italia in questo nuovo mondo, che si è aperto dopo il 1990,
Questo libro non è solo un romanzo incentrato sulla "cronaca in diretta" di un amore, ma anche un vero e proprio saggio sulla natura stessa dell'amore (che cos'è l'amore?): si ama come la storia e la tradizione del proprio popolo insegnano ad amare, ma l'amore è comunque indipendente dallo Spirito universale della Storia perché è una coscienza di se stessi che va oltre il singolo accadimento storico.

Lietuvė Austėja Vilniuje, 1990 metais nepriklausomybę atkūrusios Lietuvos sostinėje, išgyvena savo meilės istoriją. Ji kalba itališkai ir myli Italiją – per tai gyvendama Lietuvoje ieško laimės šiame naujame pasaulyje, kuris atsivėrė po 1990-ujų.
Ši knyga – ne tik romanas, kurio ašis – meilės kronika. Tai ir esė apie pačią meilės prigimtį (kas yra meilė?). Mus žmones istorija ir tradicijos moko mylėti, tačiau mylėti priklauso ne tik nuo bendrosios istorijos dvasios, bet ir nuo visuotinės sąmonės, peržengiančios istorinius įvykius.

Austeja is a Lithuanian girl and lives her love story, set in the capital, Vilnius, after her independence in 1990. She speaks Italian and loves Italy. She lives in Lithuania and seeks happiness in this new world, the world after 1990, and seeks it through her love with Italy.
This book is not just a novel whose axis is the chronicle of a love story. This is also an essay on the very nature of love (what is love?). History and traditions teach us to love people, but "love" is not only dependent on the general Spirit of History, but also on the universal conscience that transcends historical events.

Wednesday 11 September 2019

Follow the flow - Thinking the unthinkable

But I have learned from enormous, and at times extreme, experience to follow the flow of life and go where it takes me. When I feel the rhythm of life, I dance. When I hear it speak to me, I listen. I go where the music takes me, no matter how incredible it may be or what consequences it may have for my life. For those who haven’t tried that yet, you will be amazed at what an adventure life suddenly becomes, what knowledge you can access, grasp and understand, when you go with the flow and cease to wage war with it for fear of being different. For most people so often the head gets in the way because they fear stepping outside of convention. They fear what other people will think and say about them. But how can you expose the unthinkable unless you think the unthinkable?
[...]To refuse to do so is the ultimate prison cell, the ultimate mental and emotional stagnation - the ultimate control. Indeed it is the way we have been controlled since this whole scam began(David Icke, The biggest secret)

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Tuesday 10 September 2019

Why This hatred? - Part Two

"They won't stop. Why won't they stop? It's not the old hegemonies (but it's always the old pursuit of hegemony.) People have to deal with elites who have no empathy ... they are inhuman, this is the point: peoples are dealing with inhuman elites, that's the point!"(Glauco Benigni, journalist and writer)

"The entire information system is now into the hands of the enemy ... the enemy operates through the media"(Giulietto Chiesa, journalist)

Without this vision, this line of reality, that starts from Babylon and before Babylon (450,000 years ago when the Anunnaki are said to have arrived) many things will miss the point and will remain incomprehensible. Obscure.
Without this line of reality, it is impossible to understand the hatred between financial elites and populace. We won't comprehend the real meaning (and necessity) of secrets societies (masonry, above all), of religions - of the never ceasing fight between gnosis (masonry, particularly) and religions, religion against gnosis; and why the so-called divide et impera technique it is so widespread inside the deep powers. Mass migration, neither. Wars. Deep State. And why the European Union proposes a structure that repeats The Holy Roman Empire's structure? Why in the end everything has been created to divide and to rise hatred? You can understand that all this happened because from the very beginning the "Anunnaki created a secret society called the Brotherhood of the Snake and this has been used to manipulate humanity [...] This Brotherhood of the Snake is the core centre of today’s global secret society network which is controlled by the reptilians."(David Icke, The biggest secret).

In Italy, we have a valid independent scholar of religious studies. He is particularly devoted to interpreting the Ancient Testament. He developed a simple but excellent method to solve unsolved problems. He defined this method "let's pretend that". By that, he means that we must assume (follow and interpret) as true what the biblical texts literally tell us.
Following this method and collaborating with other scholars, he reached the conclusion that humankind was created by an external intervention within laboratories and not by the evolutionary process, in the Darwinian sense. Surely Biglino echoed the same criteria that Sir Fred Hoyle thought were necessary to solve unsolved problems: "As a general rule, solutions to major unsolved problems had to be sought by exploring radical hypotheses, whilst at the same time not deviating from well-attested scientific tools and methods. For if such solutions did indeed lie in the realms of orthodox theory upon which everyone agreed, they would either have been discovered already, or they would be trivial."
There are a surprising coincidence and complementarity with Hoyle's and Icke's words. 
"The phenomenon of intelligence is an outcome of aggressive competition. Intelligence and aggressiveness are coupled together inevitably from their biological association. An intelligent animal anywhere in the galaxy must necessarily be an aggressive animal and must necessarily become faced at some stage by the same kind of social situation as that which now confronts the human species. INEVITABLY THEN INTELLIGENCE CONTAINS WITHIN ITSELF THE SEEDS OF ITS OWN DESTRUCTION [...]" (Hoyle, The emergence of Life and Intelligence, video YouTube).
°As is well acknowledged, there is an area of the human brain to this day known as the reptile brain. Within the brain is the original segment to which all other parts are additions. And, according to the neuroanatomist, Paul MacLean, this ancient area of the brain is driven by another prehistoric segment which some neuroanatomists call the R-complex. R is short for reptilian because we share this with reptiles. MacLean says that this R-complex plays an important role in aggressive behaviour, territoriality, ritualism and establishment of social hierarchies” (Icke, The biggest secret).

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Friday 6 September 2019

The NWO and its Apotheosis

When you think of fighting for justice, for equality and freedom, when you think of ideals, love, fraternity, Jesus Christ and Catholicism, when you think of compassion and humanity...never forget the Enemy. The enemy is not Capitalism, is Something bigger, Something that leads the direction of World, a deep global manipulation (Oligarchy) which is hiding behind a never-ending manipulation into the positions of political, military, media, banking and business power.
A selected race that on some occasions lets his internal ideology be seen as an apotheosis.

About anxiety and dreaming spirits

Only dreaming spirits are anxious because they are full of Spirit. Are animals full of spirit? Are stupid people full of spirit? Children a...